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2010年2月4日 星期四
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

時人時事:港深智能卡互通 有望年內試行

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-02-04]     我要評論





Experts Suggest Investigating "Common Card Reader"

 Hong Kong and Shenzhen are contemplating the introduction of an electronic intelligent payment system that can be used in both cities. There are now two feasible solutions, "one card two systems" and "common card reader". According to the views of some experts, putting two chips onto one single smart card might result in debiting errors, and that means both Hong Kong and Shenzhen will need to find ways to solve related technical problems and modify the clearing systems of their respective card readers.

 As Cheng Lee-ming, associate professor of the Electronic Engineering Department of the City University of Hong Kong pointed out, the systems of both the Octopus card and the Shenzhen Tong card use the same spectrum, and if a single smart card containing two chips is put on the card reader, it will be tantamount to placing two smart cards on a card reader at the same time. This can easily cause debiting or even system errors. He suggested the two cities using a common card reader which requires only some modifications on certain related settings. With the common card reader, people would be able to use their Octopus card or Shenzhen Tong card across the border.

 According to an engineering expert in Shenzhen, there is already a sorting and clearing centre in place to deal with the exchange rate issue; debit amounts can be converted based on the prevailing rate of exchange right on the transaction date. He said that if the Octopus card is to be used in both cities, Shenzhen has to make massive changes in various areas, modifying the clearing systems used in the terminals of Shenzhen Metro and other modes of public transport. Should the Shenzhen Tong card be usable in Hong Kong as well, he suggested adding another encrypted module to the card which at present contains only one encrypted module. From a technical point of view, the two cities will likely see the opening of one or two payment channels in 2010 as a pilot scheme for the cooperation, he added.

 ■Translation by 開明

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