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2010年2月23日 星期二
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科學天地:戰機科技造冰鞋 英冀冬奧速滑爭金

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-02-23]     我要評論







 然而,多倫多的加拿大體育中心科學家韋爾斯表示,越高科技,風險便越高。他說:「新科技可讓選手在落山滑雪和其他賽事上更快,挑戰人類極限是好事,但因選手都在挑戰極限,故他們都是極速『飛下山』,稍有半點差池都非常危險。」 ■綜合外電消息/羅國偉 資深翻譯員

How Fighter Jets Inspire Olympic Gold Dreams

Fighter jets and submarines and are playing their parts in the quest for Winter Olympics gold as competitors search for that crucial, extra edge.

 Great Britain, not known for its prowess as a speedskating powerhouse, has turned to sophisticated computer software, normally used to design jets and submarines, to strengthen skates in Vancouver. Redesigned brackets were used at the European championships where the short track speed skating team won 5 medals.

 "Even minute changes to the alignment of the skates can have a huge impact in terms of performance," said Stuart Horsepool, Performance Director for the Great Britain short track speed skating world class programme. "A real problem for us was the tendency of the old aluminium brackets to bend. Even changes in atmospheric pressure were affecting the alignment of the skates. This caused a number of issues for the team when we travelled by aircraft to competitions and needed to put equipment in the hold."

 While the British team have been working with defence giants BAE Systems, other teams are also trying to shave off hundredths of seconds by redesigning racing gear.

 The Canadian team uses different fabric in different places, including energy-returning patches on the inside of the thighs to speed up leg movements rather than cause friction.

 However, Greg Wells, a scientist with the Canadian Sport Centre in Toronto, said that improving technology can also mean increased risks.

 "The new technologies are allowing the athletes to go faster in sports like downhill skiing and in sliding sports. It is a really great thing because it allows athletes to push the limits of human performance," he said. "But because these are things that are at the extreme limits of human performance, in general you are flying down a mountain of ice at very high speeds, the margin for error is very very small."  


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