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2010年3月30日 星期二
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科學天地:街道空氣淨化機 吸走新德里烏煙

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-03-30]     我要評論









 印度中央污染控制委員會的環境科學家薩哈說,國營的監管機構會留意這部機器最終是否成功。  ■綜合外電消息

 ■羅國偉 資深翻譯員

India's Smoggy Capital Tries a Whiff of Fresh Air

 India has switched on its first public air purifier in the heart of capital New Delhi as part of an experiment that backers say could help other smog-choked cities in emerging countries.

 The maker of the 7-ton machine, Italy's Systemlife, claims the box-like structure can purify 10,000 cubic metres of air every hour, scrubbing out pollutants such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

 The unit, plugged in Saturday on a traffic-clogged street of central Delhi, is a pilot that could lead to more being installed in other areas of the city, ranked the world's 4th most polluted by WHO.

 P.K. Sharma, the health chief of the New Delhi Municipal Council, said a state environmental agency will monitor the performance of the machine, which costs about 551,000 U.S Dollars and works like a vacuum cleaner, sucking in air and releasing its purified form from a roof vent.

 The electricity-driven unit, installed free of cost, uses a 5-stage filtering process including electrodes to remove health-threatening solid and gaseous pollutants.

 "Almost all Indian cities and especially New Delhi needs them," said Ritika Modi, director of the Indian partner company of Systemlife.

 Systemlife has installed similar public purifiers at 26 locations in Spain, 6 in Switzerland and 7 in Italian cities, according to a statement issued by the firm.

 Environmental scientist D. Saha from the Central Pollution Control Board said the state-run watchdog would also keep a check on the success or failure of the Italian unit.  ■AFP

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