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2010年6月17日 星期四
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

時人時事:翻版球衣熱賣 肉眼難辨真假

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-06-17]     我要評論

 ■世界盃期間,旺角攤檔有大量懷疑為盜版的球衣發售,款式多不勝數。 資料圖片





Undercover Reporter Unearthed Online Sale of Pirated Jerseys

 Just enter key words like "World Cup jersey" in any auction websites like Yahoo these days, you can easily get entries relating to over a hundred products including jerseys of many famous footballers such as "footballer of the universe" Messi.

 These jerseys are sold online at HK$100 to HK$180 each; much cheaper than the HK$400 to HK$600 for a genuine one. It is not easy to tell whether the jerseys are genuine or pirated by just looking at the pictures provided by the sellers. One auction website user has sold since April more than 10 jersey designs of various national squads, including those of Spain, Brazil, Argentina etc. The seller claimed that the jerseys were of the "highest quality".

 To find out the facts, a reporter contacted the seller by e-mail. He ordered two jerseys and left a contact number. Upon receiving the e-mail from the customer, the seller immediately replied to discuss arrangements of the transaction. The seller asked the goods to be picked up in a shop in Tsimshatsui. The reporter visited the shop and found that it was superficially a football merchandise boutique selling replicas of World Cup trophies and posters. The shop did not display any World Cup jerseys and the male shopkeeper did not either promote any jersey products. Only when the reporter mentioned that he had ordered two jerseys online that the shopkeeper sneakily took out two jerseys from a plastic chest of drawers behind him.

 The male shopkeeper zealously explained to the reporter in disguise that a plain jersey without a footballer's name would be sold at HK$148 and an extra HK$30 would be charged for printing a name or any other user-defined characters on the jersey. When asked if the jerseys were genuine, the shopkeeper evasively said, "They're made in Thailand. Don't worry. These products have already been purchased by many football fans." Later, the shopkeeper used the heat press in the store to print the names and numbers of the footballers on the two jerseys. The process took less than 10 minutes.  ■Translation by 開明

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