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2010年6月23日 星期三
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英語加油站:Hong Kong-style Western Cuisine


 ■雞蛋和多士是英式早餐的必備食物。 資料圖片

 ■Lily Poon

 Hong Kong is famous for its vibrant (adj.充滿生氣的) and diverse (adj.多種多樣的) restaurant culture offering a variety of gastronomic (adj.烹飪學的) experience from different parts of the world. The local cuisine (n.菜餚) in Hong Kong has been influenced by its unique history. Hong Kong, a former British colony, reverted (v.回復) to Chinese sovereignty (n.主權) in 1997. Although the Chinese people of Hong Kong are mostly of Cantonese (adj.廣東人) origin (n.血統), they are rather receptive (adj.樂於接受的) to European food. Today, many restaurants and cafes in Hong Kong still serve modified (adj.經改良的) European dishes to adapt to the local palate (n.口味).

British Breakfast

 Eggs, bacon (n.燻肉), beans and toast (n.多士) are ingredients of a quintessential (adj.典型的) British breakfast (英式早餐). To prepare a classic British breakfast, you should fry the eggs in the same pan as the bacon without breaking the egg yolk (蛋黃). Then, toast the bread with a perfectly square shape and add butter immediately so it melts. The Chinese word 「多士」 means "a toasted piece of bread". Many cafes in Hong Kong serve British breakfast with a bowl of Chinese noodles to please the local customers.

 How many ways can you cook an egg?

 1.Scrambled egg 炒蛋

 2.Fried egg 煎蛋

 3.Fried egg sunny shine up 太陽蛋

 4.Poached egg 滾水蛋

 French Toast

 A simple dish called French toast (法蘭西多士) can be found in most of the restaurants in Hong Kong. Yet it is cooked in a different way from the genuine (adj.真正的) toast in France. In Hong Kong, it is common to add butter and honey on the toast. Croque-monsieur, meaning Crispy Mister, is a standard dish in France which is similar to our French toast. It is a square cheese and ham sandwich fried in a frying pan. You can find it in a French chain restaurant in Hong Kong.


 A Frankfurter Sausage (Frankfurter Wurstchen) (法蘭克福腸) is a thin sausage made from pure pork. They are served with bread, mustard (n.芥辣)and radish (n.小蘿蔔). It is also very popular in North America and Canada. The version of a Frankfurter put in a bun (n.小麵包) is called hot dog.

Pork Cutlet

 A cutlet(n.炸肉排) is a thin slice of meat cut from the leg or ribs (肋骨). The word cutlet is actually derived from the French word cotelette which means ribs. The pork cutlet (吉列豬扒) we have in local restaurants are similar to a traditional Austrian (adj.奧地利的) dish called Schnitzel. It is a fried escalope (n.薄肉片) coated in crumbs (n.麵包屑). Instead of rice, Austrians serve it with either potato salad or potatoes with parsley (n.荷蘭芹) and butter.

 How many ways can you cook potatoes?

 1.Fries 薯條

 2.Baked potatoes 焗薯

 3.Grilled potatoes 烤薯

 4.Mashed potatoes 薯蓉

 Next time when you go to a local restaurant, you can tell your friends that the above items are Hong Kong-style European food!

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