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2011年1月5日 星期三
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互動英語教室:In an atelier

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-01-05]     我要評論


 Lily and Louise are one of the many journalism (新聞系) graduates(畢業生) wandering what to do in the future. Since the economy is dipping into recession(衰退期), graduates with less experience are hard to find newsroom(新聞編輯部) jobs. At the very least, Lily and Louise are able to work across print and broadcast, and have acquired the necessary skills to write feature stories(專題故事). Lily has built on what she has learned at journalism school by taking a photography course. Recently, they find a great deal of freelance work for a newly established art magazine.

 Knowing that many jobs in journalism are not officially advertised, Louise is very enthusiastic about social networking. Her friends are taking a painting class in an atelier(畫室) in Central, whose owner Mr. Sun Ho is a graduate of the University of Paris. She immediately asks for his contacts and lines up an interview with him.

 Lily showed up a half hour late to the interview because she was busy buying some fruits. Louise was very cross at her. Chrissy, the assistant to Mr. Ho, greeted them at the door.

Chrissy: Hello, I am Chrissy. The assistant to Mr. Sun Ho. You must be Louise and Lily from Hong Kong Arts magazine!

Louise: I am Louise. Nice to meet you .

Lily: I am Lily . Nice to meet you.

Chrissy: Come on in!

 Mr. Ho is devoted(專心致力) into art education and has been giving painting classes to children and adults. Lily was attracted to the paintings by his students in the atelier and thus, couldn't stop taking a lot of photos. His students are not only technically good at painting but also have individuality(個人風格) and expression.

Chrissy: He is Mr. Sun Ho, owner of this atelier. He studied in Paris and is now teaching painting to children and adults.

Sun Ho: Enchant? (meaning "Nice to meet you" in French)

Louise: Mr. Ho, can you tell me the different types of paintings and techniques?

Sun Ho: Monochrome drawing and colour painting are the two major categories of paintings.

Chrissy: We use charcoal(木炭) sticks(條) for monochrome drawing and oil colour, acrylic colour(丙烯酸顏料), pastel and poster colour for colour painting. Here is the art kit.

 Chrissy showed the art kit to Louise and Lily and pointed to the acrylic colour set and some paint brushes.

Chrissy: In front of you is the easel. I am holding a palette knife and you are going to draw on the canvas.

Sun Ho: What do you want to draw?

Louise: How about fruits?

Sun Ho: Let's learn still life drawing today.

Chrissy: Mr. Ho is going to demonstrate how to draw straight and curved lines.

Sun Ho: Red, Yellow and Blue are the three primary colours(三原色).

 A palette is a very useful tool but can also cause trouble. Lily was so careless that she sat on a palette! They learned the basics techniques of still life drawing in this occasion and were advised to practise at home by picking easy objects to draw. Chrissy reminded them to avoid drawing oddly shaped objects as beginners. Homely fruits, vegetables and gift boxes are all good choices!


1) What are two major types of drawings?

2) What is the tool for monochrome drawing introduced in the video? How about colour painting?

3) What did Lily and Louise draw on in the video?

4) What are the three primary colours?

 ■Lily Poon

 Please visit http://wwpenglishcolumn.blogspot .com to watch the video and learn some common phrases in English.

互動英語教室:In an atelier (2011-01-05) (圖)
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