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2011年9月30日 星期五
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社評雙聲道:提升網絡保安 保障市民利益

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-09-30]     我要評論

■警方拘捕13男1女涉嫌入侵別人電腦盜取「繳費靈」戶口。圖為涉案電子器材。 資料圖片




Enhance internet security to protect interests of the people

Fourteen men and women were arrested by the police in the middle of the month. They were suspected of having stolen important data such as account names and passwords stored in the personal computers of PPS users and then transferred money amounting to HK$255,000 out of the victims' bank accounts. Internet banking and online shopping have become increasingly popular in Hong Kong but the awareness of internet security among users is inadequate. Personal data are vulnerable to theft by criminals and the risk of suffering losses is getting higher and higher. People should learn from experience and heighten their safety measures for using the internet. In addition, businesses and government departments should also enhance internet security to safeguard the interests of the people. The police need to further strengthen their fight against internet crime to prevent internet technology from being used in a way that may harm the rights of the people.

In a test conducted by some local internet security experts on more than a hundred popular websites maintained by government departments, banks and universities, it was found that loopholes existed in 80% of these websites. The websites of a number of banks had flaws that were so conspicuous that bank account data of their customers could be illegally obtained by anyone anytime. It is high time Hong Kong businesses and government departments strengthened their internet security measures.

On the other hand, internet crime has evolved into many different forms. This makes the prevention of and the fight against such crime a big challenge and a great responsibility for the police. The police should put more efforts into the research and management of new internet technologies and applications, and at the same time perfect the mechanism for international law enforcement cooperation. They should create a platform of collaboration with police forces of other jurisdictions so as to combat cross-border internet crimes. It is necessary that the police continuously improve their ability and standard of preventing and fighting internet crimes so that they can effectively play their part in maintaining internet security and protecting the legitimate rights of the people.  ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com

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社評雙聲道:提升網絡保安 保障市民利益 (圖)
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