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2012年3月2日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-03-02]     我要評論

■高院上訴庭上月中駁回兩宗未符居港期限申領綜援不果的上訴。 資料圖片




Setting residence requirement for CSSA application is necessary

In mid-last month, the Court of Appeal of the High Court ruled against two appeal cases regarding refused applications for Comprehensive Social Security Allowance (CSSA) that fell short of the residence requirement. In one of the cases, a Hong Kong resident who returned from the mainland filed a judicial review the year before last, and successfully challenged the permissible limits set by the Social Welfare Department which states that absence from Hong Kong cannot exceed 56 days prior to the receipt of CSSA. The Social Welfare Department appealed to the Court of Appeal but the case was rejected. In the other case, a woman, an immigrant from the mainland, who had lived in Hong Kong for less than seven years applied for CSSA, and her application was refused. She appealed to the Court of Appeal and her case was also rejected.

At present, according to the regulations of the Social Welfare Department, eligible CSSA applicants must have resided in Hong Kong for more than seven years, and must not be absent from Hong Kong for more than 56 days in the year prior to the application. The arrangement ensures that people who have worked or lived in Hong Kong for a long time have priority to enjoy the benefits of CSSA, and this in fact adheres to the principle of fairness. Take reference from foreign welfare states especially those of the Western world and it can be found that there are similar residence requirements for social welfare applications. The requirement set by the Social Welfare Department is in line with the mainstream practice adopted around the world.

The Court of Appeal ruled that the Basic Law has empowered the government to formulate its own policies on social welfare system according to economic conditions and social needs, and also to give priority to those who have a lengthier connection with Hong Kong to use the limited resources. On the same basis, setting permissible limits of absence from Hong Kong for CSSA application should be endorsed as it is a criterion to ensure "the priority (being) placed on those who have a lengthier connection with Hong Kong in terms of the use of limited resources". Not having any such limits of absence is tantamount to creating a crack in the CSSA system because the income earned and asset kept by Hong Kong residents in places outside Hong Kong are difficult to audit; therefore it will only seduce more people to conceal their assets and abuse the resources of the CSSA. ■Translation by 東明



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