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2012年12月21日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-12-21]     我要評論





Ah Bun lived up to the spirit of an unyielding 烑ife fighter*

Tang Siu Bun, also known as Ah Bun, who had openly requested euthanasia, died of illness yesterday. Ah Bun had suffered a great deal of misfortune in his life but with unceasing life force, he managed to get over difficulty after difficulty and overcome the torment caused by his physical disability. He had lived his rather short life to demonstrate the great spirit of a 烑ife fighter*, and to perform for us a role model who had loved life and lived for today. The departure of Ah Bun has caused more thoughts and discussions on euthanasia in society. It is necessary that the government give greater support and care to patients who suffer from paralysis from the neck down and let them feel the warmth in our community.

At the age of 23, Ah Bun accidentally fell and was injured when he was practising somersault. The accident eventually left him paralysed from the neck. With tremendous stamina of his mind, he gradually overcame the disability of his body. He learnt to input characters stroke by stroke by tapping the computer keyboard with a chopstick he held in his mouth. Alas, the first letter he had so written was addressed to the then Chief Executive Mr Tung Chee-hwa, making a plea for euthanasia.

Ah Bun's story soon shook the entire community. Many people gave him moral support in different ways and, together with the encouragement of his family, Ah Bun once again got over his physical disability. Last year, he moved out of the hospital where he had spent 19 years of his life and returned to the community. The footsteps of Ah Bun tell us that in front of a cruel fate, great determination is what we need to triumph over adversity and recover from setbacks. Ah Bun had also during his lifetime advised the youth to treasure their lives and to cherish the people close to them. The best way to remember him is really for us to practise what he preached.(節自12月10日香港《文匯報》)

各位讀者,本欄從下學期(1/1/2013)起會由現時星期五刊登轉為星期三刊登,敬希垂注。 ■Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]


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