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2016年4月13日 星期三
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■特朗普的言論屢屢引起國際爭議。 資料圖片



近年中美兩國正在共同努力建立相互尊重、合作共贏、造福兩國和世界人民的新型大國關係。 特朗普想讓日本和韓國擁有核武來對抗中國,如果實現將嚴重損害中美兩國關係。特朗普自去年6月宣佈參選以來,為了製造轟動,一直行事乖張、口沒遮攔。此次他在外交政策上又一次口出狂言,暴露出他在外交方面的無知與狂妄。對特朗普極端言論的謬誤和危害性,美國和國際社會必須有充分的警惕。(文匯報社評28-3-2016)

Trump would trash nuclear peace, IF he became President

The Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump claimed during an interview with the New York Times that he would be open to allowing Japan and South Korea to build their own nuclear arsenals to counter North Korea and China. Trump's comments not only completely violated the international consensus and solemn commitment of preventing the expansion of nuclear weapons, but used long-abandoned Cold War mentality to challenge the trend of peaceful development.

His comments instantly drew strong criticism from a shocked international community. Signed by the US, the UK, former Soviet Union and 59 other countries on July 1, 1968, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) clearly states that nuclear-weapon states are not to transfer nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, or in any way assist, encourage or induce a non-nuclear weapon state (NNWS) to acquire nuclear weapons. NNWS parties are not to receive, manufacture or acquire nuclear weapons or seek or receive any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons. Currently, most of the countries in the world, including Japan and South Korea, have signed the treaty to prevent nuclear warfare. Trump's comment has undoubtedly worsened the situation in the Korean peninsula and harmed the stability in East Asia.

In recent years, China and the US have been striving to build a new type of beneficial relationship between great powers based on mutual respect and cooperation. Trump's intention to counter China by arming Japan and South Korea with nuclear weapons would seriously hamper US-Chinese relations. Dating back to the launch of his presidential campaign, Trump has been deliberately placing himself at the centre of numerous controversies, drawing wide attention. His recent remarks on foreign policy have shown his blatant ignorance and arrogance in this regard. The US and the international community must remain alert on Trump's comments and the harmfulness that lies within.

Learning Point


不過他的主張亦吸引大量較低學歷選民的大力支持。在共和黨內華達州初選發表勝利演說時,他甚至公開表示「I love the poorly educated」。如此狂妄又排外,特朗普尚未當選美國總統已經在國際社會間聲名狼藉。

■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]


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