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【News Buddy】共住有偈傾 拓社交圈子

■共住設施一般包括租戶共用的大廳。 網上圖片■共住設施一般包括租戶共用的大廳。 網上圖片


對不少人來說,與陌生人住在同一屋簷下難免感到不自在,但美國近年興起共住模式(co-living),共住單位的租客(renter/tenant)各自擁有獨立睡房(independent bedroom),有時會是連私人浴室(ensuite bathroom)的套房,客廳及廚房就要與其他租客共用,好處是租金(rent)較一般單位便宜,亦能讓剛到城市定居的人擴闊社交圈子(social circle)。

共住概念並非新鮮事,大學宿舍(dormitory)就可算是共住的一種,美國不少創業家(entrepreneur)也會與同道中人租住「黑客屋」,類似學生宿舍(student residence hall),作為休息場所。社交網facebook(fb)創辦人朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)2004年於三藩市灣區(San Francisco Bay)租下一個五房單位,fb元老就在這裡建立他們的社交網絡。

三房單位 月租平逾三分一

隨着年輕一代成群結隊地(flock to)進駐市區,初創企業(startup)率先發現共住的商機,近期就連傳統房地產發展商(property/real estate developer)也希望分一杯羹。擁有百年歷史的(century-old)Durst Organization在紐約(New York)曼哈頓(Manhattan)興建了「Frank 57 West」大廈,提供兩款不同單位,一種是月租3,500美元(約2.73萬港元)的傳統一房單位,另一種是三房共住單位,睡房月租便宜逾三分之一。

紐約市房地產發展商Property Markets Group設計了區內首批專為共住而設的住宅大廈。共住單位擁有3間連浴室睡房,並設特大衣櫃(wardrobe),能容納3名租客的衣物。雖然睡房的月租較便宜,但整個單位帶來的收入卻較傳統單位高。

識朋友解悶 有私人空間



Common的投資者(investor)馬澤奧(Matt Mazzeo)指出,共住之所以成功,原因之一是「置業是人生目標」這個想法開始轉變,這不僅限於千禧世代(millennials),整個社會都是如此。

Co-living: cheaper rents and broader social circle

【譯文】It may be uncomfortable to share a house with strangers, but the practice of so called co-living is getting popular in America. Renters can have their own independent bedrooms, sometimes even equipped with ensuite bathrooms, but the living room and the kitchen are shared with other tenants. This brand new practice of living is believed to enable city newcomers to enjoy a relatively lower rent and expand their social circle.

Co-living is in fact not a new concept; university dormitory can be regarded as a type of co-living. Many entrepreneurs in America have had the experience of co-renting a "hackerhouse" with fellow-mates - a house similar to student residence hall, serving as a staff lounge. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg rented a five-room apartment in San Francisco Bay in 2004, where the social media giant was established.

Three-bedroom unit one-third cheaper

With the new generation flocking to urban areas, many startups have discovered the business opportunity of co-living. Even some traditional property developers would like to jump on the bandwagon. The century-old Durst Organization has built a residential mansion "Frank 57 West" in Manhattan of New York, offering two different types of apartments - one for the traditional one-bedroom unit with a monthly rent of US$3,500 (approximately HK$27,300), another for the new breed of three-bedroom co-living unit costing more than one-third less.

The New York real estate developer Property Markets Group designed the first batch of co-living style residential buildings in the community. A typical co-living apartment comprises three bedrooms with bathrooms inclusive, and large wardrobes for the three tenants. Although the monthly rent per bedroom is relatively low, the rental income of the entire apartment is higher than that of a traditional unit.

Helps lessen loneliness

Some youngsters choose co-living style apartments to save money, while some use the opportunity to make friends. One tenant has described such apartment as a bridge connecting youngsters with the city, saying that this living style is a good choice as it helps lessen loneliness, as long as there are independent bathroom and bedroom. He says it is good that the rent can be shared among tenants.

Even outgoing people would like to have private moments at times. The co-living startup Common, newly established in 2015, has set up a guideline in the design of co-housing environment. It instructs that tenants should be provided with independent bedrooms, together with private bathrooms if possible, and living rooms should not be too small. A typical co-living unit located in Brooklyn of New York is equipped with two entrances, with one entering into the communal space, and another accessing directly the bedrooms and bypassing any roommates.

Matt Mazzeo, investor of Common, has pointed out that one of the factors contributing to the success of the startup is that the belief of "home ownership as a life goal" has changed, not limited to millennials but across society.■龐嘉儀


1. 外國的共居宿友除了Co-living,還主張什麼?

2. 除了共用公寓,近年也興起「共用工作空間」,它的英文是?

3. 除了美國,什麼地方也流行「共居」?

4. 現時流行「共用經濟」,它的英文是?

5. 「共用經濟」下的產物例如有什麼?

1. Co-eating(共食)、Co-playing(共玩)、Co-creating(共創)

2. Co-working space

3. 英國、台灣

4. Sharing economy

5. 共用單車(shared-bike)、共用汽車(shared-car)

