【原文】本港旅遊業正持續復甦,旅遊發展局近日公佈最新數據顯示,今年首7個月有3,298萬旅客訪港,按年升2.4%,當中過夜客(overnight visitors)更上升4.9%。
年初業界估計本港上半年旅客量會下跌,但數字優於預期。為了進一步增強本港旅遊業的競爭力(competitiveness),旅發局計劃斥資7,100萬元,推出9大措施支援業界,包括向過境旅客(transit passengers)及留港時間較長旅客提供優惠,如免費機鐵車票或本地遊,資助特色旅遊活動、綠色深度遊、郵輪旅遊(cruise liner trips)及會展旅遊等。
香港雖然地域狹小,但有眾多尚待深度開發的優質旅遊資源(untapped resources),例如不少地理環境獨特、風光優美的離島,可以開發離島遊、郊野公園遊;又如中西方文化融會(fusion)下形成的節慶項目,包括長洲太平清醮飄色巡遊、大坑舞火龍、舊城中環,對中外遊客均具吸引力;還有七人欖球賽、電動方程式賽車錦標賽、電子競技賽等一系列體育文化盛事,是運動文化愛好者的歡樂派對;各類美食節、紅酒博覽會則是老饕(foodies)之好。這些旅遊項目值得積極推廣,開展具針對性的宣傳,短期內可以為香港帶來新遊客。
提升接待力 杜絕欺詐
做好旅遊推廣、吸引旅客來港,還須保證旅客來港玩得稱心如意,才能有「回頭客」。前些年旅業興旺時,本港沒有相應提升各種旅遊服務的接待能力(reception capacity),導致交通、商場、酒店人滿為患,遊客享受不到良好的服務,本港市民則感到正常生活被打擾,誤會甚至對立增加,令香港多年辛苦經營的「好客之都」(hospitable city)形象受損,內地訪港旅客人數明顯下滑。
業界少數害群之馬欺詐旅客,例如強迫購物(forced shopping)、以次充好,損害旅客對來港旅遊、消費的信心。政府和業界應高度重視保持優質旅遊服務,加強監管,同時注重提升旅遊接待能力,防範客人一多,各種弊端故態復萌。
提升本港旅遊競爭力(competitive edge),更要做好長遠規劃。迪士尼樂園、海洋公園依然是香港最具吸引力的旅遊招牌,但周邊地區爭相興建各類主題樂園,本港旅遊設施缺乏新意,成為旅遊業後勁不繼的短板。香港要成為旅客的首選地、目的地,旅遊項目需要持續多元化(diverse)發展。 (標題及小標題為編輯所加) (摘錄自香港文匯報社評1-9-2017)
Nine efforts to pull more return customers as tourism revives
【譯文】According to the latest Tourism Board figures, Hong Kong's tourism sector continues to recover, as visitor numbers in the first seven months saw a 2.4 per cent year-on-year increase to 32.98 million, while the number of overnight visitors also jumped by 4.9 per cent.
At the beginning of the year, the sector has estimated that the number of visitors would fall in the first half of 2017, but the latest figures have nonetheless beaten expectations. To further enhance the competitiveness of the local tourism industry, the board plans to provide a HK$71 million boost that comprises nine major tourism projects. The projects would include promotional offers to transit passengers and overnight visitors, such as free Airport Express rides or local tours. Featured tours, in-depth eco-tours, cruise liner trips and exhibitions are also among the list of sponsored items. As the promotional offers attract and retain more travellers who are willing to spend, the new initiative could provide stimulus to the local consumer market.
Promotes eco and cultural tours
Hong Kong might be small in size, but there are still a lot of untapped resources regarding tourism. For instance, the numerous yet unique outlying islands are perfect destinations for island hopping, thanks to their astonishing natural landscapes. For a taste of the East-West fusion in Hong Kong, there are the Cheung Chau Bun Festival Piu Sik Parade, the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance and the Old Town Central area. As for sports fans, the Hong Kong Sevens, the Formula E Hong Kong ePrix and the local e-sports events are all among the world's greatest parties.
Finally, the various food and wine expos are there for foodies around the world. These are all valuable resources worthy of more attention and promotion. Identify the right target audiences, and more tourists could be attracted to Hong Kong in no time.
Improves reception capacity
Apart from drawing new tourists, we must also strive to make sure tourists have a wonderful experience so that they will come back again. In the past few years when tourism flourished, we did not take enough measures to enhance the industry's reception capacity. Public transport services, shopping malls and hotels were all congested and overloaded. Tourists were not served well and local residents' standard of living also degraded. As a result, conflicts between visitors and locals intensified to a point which damaged Hong Kong's reputation as a hospitable city, and the number of Mainland visitors dropped significantly at times.
A few dishonest merchants' shoddy practices, such as forced shopping and the selling of defective goods, have tarnished Hong Kong's reputation and damaged our tourism sector. The government and the tourism industry should step up their efforts in maintaining and regulating high quality services. At the same time, Hong Kong's tourist handling capacity must also be improved if mistakes in the past were to be avoided.
To further sharpen our competitive edge in tourism, long-term planning must not be forgotten. Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park might still be our top tourist attractions at the moment, but as more theme parks are opening in rival cities in the region, their lack of novelty vividly reflects our tourism's major weakness. If Hong Kong were to become the top tourist destination, the development of our tourism projects must be as diverse as possible. ■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]
1. long-haul visitors
2. Individual Visit Scheme
3. inbound tourist
4. Chi Lin Nunnery
5. Avenue of Stars
6. Po Lin Monastery
7. The Big Buddha
8. Ladies' Market
9. Temple Street Night Market
10. Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade
1. 長途客
2. 個人遊
3. 到訪旅客
4. 志蓮淨苑
5. 星光大道
6. 寶蓮禪寺
7. 天壇大佛
8. 女人街
9. 廟街夜市
10. 尖沙咀海濱花園