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The young couple lives in a small flat with low ceilings and few windows.


The beautiful cathedral ceilings in Europe attract thousands and millions of visitors each year.


Go through ceiling¶V¤W­­


The government has imposed a ceiling on transport allowance.


The daily ceiling on the working hours of drivers should definitely be lowered.


µu»ygo through the ceiling¡]¯}³»¡^¡A·N«ä´N¬O¤W¤É¦Ü«Ü°ªªºµ{«×¡A¶W¶V³»ÂI¡C

Many people cannot afford their own houses as property prices go through the ceiling.


The government has to take actions to stop unemployment rate from going through the ceiling.



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There is still a glass ceiling at some workplace against women moving upward to top positions.


People from ethnic minorities may not be able to break through the glass ceiling to go into managerial level though they have the experience and skills.



Hillary Clinton failed to break the ultimate glass ceiling.


§Æ©Ô¨½¦Û¤v¥ç»¡¹L¡GWe have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but some day someone will. ¡]§Ú­Ì©l²×¥¼¯à¥´¸H¨º¶ô³Ì°ª¼h¡B³Ì°í©Tªº¬Á¼þ¤ÑªáªO¡A¦ý²×¦³¤@¤Ñ¦³¤H¥i¥H°µ¨ì¡C¡^

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