很多同學之所以犯下文法上的錯誤,主要原因是他們沒有掌握好句子的基本結構;簡單來說,他們沒有分清楚何為phrase,clause及sentence。而一句完整句子至少包括subject and main verb。
Phrase 並不是完整句子──它們大多數欠缺主語(subject)或動詞(verb);所以同學們不可能在phrase後放置句號(full-stop)。而phrase有很多種類,如verb phrase,noun phrase etc. 以下是一些例子:
類型 例子 解釋
Noun phrase The children 由名詞組成;無論意思上或文法上都不完整,所以不可能在這noun phrase後放置句號(.)
Verb phrase Has been working 由動詞組成;無論意思上或文法上都不完整,所以不可能在這verb phrase後放置句號(.)
Clause用來形容任何有subject及verb組成的word group。Clause主要有兩類:1)dependent clause,及2)independent clause(亦即是sentence)。Dependent clause雖然有subject及verb,但由於其動詞並不是主動詞(main verb),因而並不完整。所以,dependent clause一定要依附在其他independent clause上,才可變得grammatical。而independent clause則是由subject及main verb所組成;以下是一些例子:
Clauses類型 例子 解釋
Dependent clause When I finish reading the book 由於句中沒有main verb,所以句子並不完整,所以不可能在這dependent clause後放置句號(.)
Independent clause I will return the book to the library. 這是完整句子。
Select the Best answer for the question below.
1. Ali is looking for another job that he can do after his main job because he needs some extra money to repay his debt.
How many clauses are in this sentence?
A 2
B 3
C 4
Dependent clause repay his debt
some extra money to
...because he needs
about "another job"
additional information
adjective to provide
functions as an
Depdendent clause his main job
...that he can do after
Independent clause another job
Ali is looking for
■Dr. A. Chan,哲學博士,哲學碩士,英語講師,熟悉公開考試之出題模式與評分準則。