高速通訊 帶動經濟
工欲善其事,必先利其器,香港要打造智慧城市,在互聯網基建上一定不能落後於人。雖然當局公佈的5G時間表不算遲,但能否按時落實值得關注,期待相關部門與業界群策群力,共同推進5G技術盡快落實,廣泛聽取業界意見,以更大力度支援業界發展。 (標題及小標題為編輯所加) (摘錄自香港文匯報社評10-5-2018)
5G Networks Making a Smart City Happen
【譯文】The Communications Authority reported in early May the latest developments of the preparations for 5G mobile services. The authority expects the first 5G spectrum to be available in April next year, and a full-fledged 5G network in service by 2020, making Hong Kong one of the pioneers in the adoption of the next-gen mobile service.
Given that telecommunications service is the backbone of the internet economy, Hong Kong as one of the leaders in the global telecoms industry must hasten its endeavours in the 5G era in order to prepare for the transformation into a smart city.
The government should work with the private sector, listen closely to their needs and provide assistance whenever necessary. This will not only allow the public to enjoy the cutting-edge technology earlier, but also secure Hong Kong's position in the fiercely competitive new economy.
5G Is 20 Times Faster Than 4G
Fifth generation mobile networks, abbreviated 5G, will be 20 times faster than 4G in terms of download speeds. Many have questioned the government's slow response in adopting 5G networks following the United Kingdom's 5G spectrum auction in April.
The Communications Authority cleared up the public's doubts in early May with a detailed report on the adoption progress of 5G. The authority estimated that when the public consultation is over, 5G spectrum would be made available to local service providers by April 2019 at the soonest. While network coverage could be available next year, full commercialisation of 5G would be achieved no sooner than 2020.
In comparison with our counterparts, 5G is going to go live in South Korea by late 2018, in Australia 2019, in the UK 2019-20, and in mainland China 2020. From the above information, even though Hong Kong is not the earliest adopter of 5G services, it is still fair to say that we have not fallen behind others.
New telecommunications technologies are not just about faster connection-beyond speed they also unleash the full potential of many emerging industries. For instance, the rise of sharing economy, mobile payment and mobile games in recent years could be attributed to the commercialisation of 3G and 4G networks.
The relationship between mobile network infrastructure and emerging internet economies is comparable to one between roads and vehicles-the better the road network is established, the more efficient and faster the cars can go.
Studies have predicted that over US$12 trillion worth of goods and services that are enabled by 5G could be produced across the retail, education, transportation and entertainment industries.Its impact on the global GDP would be equivalent to adding an economy the size of India today, roughly US$ 2.4 trillion, while also creating over 20 million jobs across the world.
As the popularity of 5G networks increases over time, one can expect the current technologies for intelligent manufacturing, smart cities and artificial intelligence(AI)to become more mature. By that time, augmented reality(AR), virtual reality (VR), tactile internet, internet of vehicles(IoV), wireless communications, unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV)and smart grid would become an integral part of our daily lives.
Although the development of emerging internet economies in Hong Kong is not that rapid, as one of the pioneers in adopting 3G, 4G and optical fibre technologies, Hong Kong still possess an internet infrastructure that is comprehensive enough to support further growth.
5G Will Boost Tech Innovation
The current administration have recognised the significance of developing internet-based innovative technologies, and in the Innovation and Technology Bureau's Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong, 5G networks are regarded as the catalyst for smart city development.
As the saying goes, fine tools are the prerequisites of a fine work. If Hong Kong were to transform into a smart city, we must not lag behind our competitors. Although the government's action has been swift enough so far in adopting 5G, whether there will be any delay is still worth paying attention to.
The relevant authorities should work closely together towards an early 5G adoption, and listen to the voices of the private sector in support of its further development. ■ Jeffrey Tse[ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]
1.Augmented reality(AR)
2.Virtual reality(VR)
3.Internet of things(IoT)
4.Big data
5.Data mining