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2010年3月11日 星期四
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時人時事:港羽代表葉姵延 嗚咽談教練退役

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-03-11]     我要評論





"Dark Girl" Wept as She Talked about "Uncle Choi"

 Winning entries of the Nikon "Seize the Legend Moment Sports Photo Contest" organized by the H.K Sports Press Association are now on display in an exhibition at the Times Square in Causeway Bay. The organizer invited two East Asian Games medalists, Yip Pui-yin nicknamed "dark girl", and Tsai Hiu-wai as guests of honour in the prize presentation ceremony on the first day's exibition. After the ceremony, "dark girl" talked about the retirement of Chan Chi-choi(nicknamed "Uncle Choi"), the chief coach of the H.K badminton team. She could not hold back her tears while talking about the retirement of the coach and the scene was very touching.

 The prize presentation ceremony was attended by many guests from sponsors as well as the sports sector. Among them were the H.K badminton team player Yip Pui-yin and the just-retired H.K swimming team member Tsai Hiu-wai. A number of the photos in the exhibition depicted spectacular images of "dark girl" playing in the East Asian Games. Yip said with a smile that she knew nothing about professional photography but appreciated the photographers for their techniques in capturing the legendary moments of the athletes.

 While talking about the decision of her coach, Chan Chi-choi to retire, "dark girl", who had worked with him for so many years, became emotional. "We had heard of his plan for retirement before the East Asian Games but still I could not help crying when the news was broken to us. However, I respect his decision. He thinks that now the H.K team has seen new blood emerging and he is feeling tired. It should be the right time for him to take some rest," she said. Although she has accepted the fact, she still misses "Uncle Choi" very much. "He is like a father to me. Besides coaching me in badminton, he taught me a lot about the right ways to be a good person. It is fortunate that I won a gold medal in the East Asian Games. If not, I would have let him down before he retires. After all, it was the first gold medal I have ever won in a major event," she said in tears.  ■Translation by開明

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