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2010年3月16日 星期二
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-03-16]     我要評論











 他又說,研究員現時需學習如何分隔人類皮膚內的Lrg6細胞,這個過程可能需時約3年。  ■路透社

 ■資深翻譯員 羅國偉

Scientists Find Mother of All Skin Cells

 Scientists have found the "mother" of all skin cells and they say that their discovery could dramatically improve skin treatments for victims of serious wounds and burns.

 Hans Clevers and a team of Dutch and Swedish researchers conducted a study in mice and found that the stem cell that gives produces all the different cells of the skin actually lives in hair follicles.

 The findings, which they say will translate for human use, mean it may be possible to harness these stem cells to help with wound repair or skin transplants for burns victims, they said in a study in the Science journal.

 "This is the mother of all the stem cells in the skin─it makes all the other stem cells," Clevers, of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Utrecht, said. "The same stem cells exist in humans, we can see them, and the promise is that these cells are probably going to be much better than anything we have had to date at making new skin."

 The skin has 3 different populations of cells─hair follicles, moisturising sebaceous glands, and the tissue in between, known as the interfollicular epidermis. Stem cells are original cells, or drivers, from which all human cells develop.

 Scientists had previously thought that stem cells in each of these 3 skin populations were capable of producing their own cell type, but until now, a mother stem cell which produces all 3 types had not been found.

 Clevers' team found that a group of stem cells that live in hair follicles and which have high levels of a gene called Lgr6 are the original epidermal stem cells.

 In tests on mice with wounds, they found that Lrg6 cells around the wound drove new skin growth and repaired the skin.

 Clevers said the advantage offered by the mother stem cell finding would be that they could grow skin from its original basis─allowing it to be "real new skin" with moisture from sebaceous glands and the ability to grow hair.

 He said researchers now need to learn how to isolate the Lrg6 cells from human skin. That could take about 3 years.  ■Reuters

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