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2010年4月29日 星期四
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

時人時事:深過江龍修練10年 勇奪港式咖啡王

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-04-29]     我要評論

 ■來自深圳、膺港式咖啡王美譽的朱元秀(右)表示,他沖泡的咖啡吸引很多香港人專程一試,並大讚於香港品嚐的咖啡也不及。 資料圖片




Shenzhen Contender Crowned King of H.K Style Coffee

 Hong Kong style coffee refers to coffee brewed with Hong Kong style utensils including a "nylon stocking" pocket and a tin pot. Coffee made in this Hong Kong style has more a local flavor compared with coffee brewed with a coffee machine. The first Hong Kong Style Coffee Competition hosted by the Association of Coffee and Tea of Hong Kong attracted 16 bar tenders from various Hong Kong style kiosks and cafes to contend. Among them, two were from across the border in Shenzhen. The contenders were divided into 3 groups in the preliminary round and then the 5 winners from this round would compete with each other in the final. Throughout the competition, contenders had to use standard materials and utensils provided by the organizer, so it was a competition on purely brewing techniques.

 After a series of keen competition, the first prize was awarded to Zhu Yuan-xiu who has been working as a bar tender for more than 10 years and is now working in a Hong Kong style cafe in Hua Qiao Cheng in Shenzhen. Zhu said that he started as a bar tender trainee at the age of 18 and he now makes several dozen cups of coffee every day. Some regular customers from Hong Kong went to Shenzhen specifically for his coffee and they thought that it tasted even better the coffee served in Hong Kong. According to him, the key of brewing Hong Kong style coffee is to add boiling water to the coffee and then cook it with low heat. The coffee has then to be poured through a pocket into a tin pot. Zhu said that it should be done only twice or else the coffee would turn sour. The distance between the pocket and the pot need not be too great and the optimum distance should be 60 to 70 cm, he added.

 To taste a nice cup of coffee, it is not always necessary to visit a renowned restaurant. A cup of coffee served in a convenience store can also be of a professional level. The first runner-up, Hui Yim-mui, and second runner-up, Lam Yi are both employees of the Circle K convenience store. Being female bar tenders, they are among the minority in the profession. Hui joined the trade 6 years ago. She makes more than a hundred cups of coffee every day. She learned the techniques of coffee brewing solely from the training provided by the company as well as through on-the-job practice. Her skill in making good coffee has brought her a number of regular customers, some of them return from Singapore and USA. There are often phone calls which make orders of coffee in advance. Lam Yi has been in the business for 15 years. She serves mainly local residents in the neighbourhood and sells 300 cups of coffee a day.  ■Translation by開明

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