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2010年4月29日 星期四
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-04-29]     我要評論




Orion and Scorpion

 In late spring, Orion, the hunter, can be seen sinking towards the western horizon after sunset, and not long after that emerges Scorpius, the scorpion, from the southeastern horizon. The two constellations never appear in the sky at the same time.

 The Chinese legend says Emperor Ku had two sons who were always fighting. So the emperor sent the elder son to Shang, the Heart Mansion in the sky(the brightest stars of Scorpius). Then he sent the younger son to Xia, the Three Stars Mansion(the belt of Orion). The two never met again.

 In ancient Greece, Orion boasted that he could kill all the beasts. Mother Earth was furious. She sent a scorpion to sting and poison him. Zesus put both Orion and the scorpion in the sky. But he took care to put the scorpion so far away that it could never hurt Orion again.  ■圖片、文:甄枝強 資深天文愛好者

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