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2010年9月14日 星期二
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英語互動教室:How to Order Food in a Western-style Restaurant

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-09-14]     我要評論

 ■西餐的主菜通常非常豐富。 資料圖片

Lily Poon

 Europe is always a top holiday destination(n.目的地)for many travellers. Lily and Louise are planning their summer holiday to London. They are looking for opportunities to improve their English communication skills before their trip. Food is always the first thing that comes to their minds. Lily and Louise are not used to speaking English in Hong Kong. They are intimidated(adj.害怕的)when they have to order food in English. These are the reasons why they want to practise restaurant phrases including ordering and food words.

 One day Lily and Louise passed by a unique(adj.獨一無二的)and charming(adj.吸引的)restaurant in Central. They were particularly impressed by the decoration(n.裝修)and the ambiance(n.氣氛)of this restaurant. Indeed, it was no disappointment! This restaurant offered different types of delicious food and beverages(n.飲品).

 When Lily and Louise arrived, a waiter greeted them with a delighted expression.

 Waiter: How many people are you?


 Lily: Two please.


 The waiter showed them to a table. Lily was so hungry that she asked for the menu immediately.

 Lily: May I have the menu please?


 Waiter: Sure. Do you want something to drink?


 Lily: Can I have some cold water please?


 Waiter: Sure. Sparkling or still?


 As Lily and Louise were saving money for their trip, they preferred something free of charge.

 Lily: Tap water is fine.


 Lily seldom went to Western-style restaurants. Louise explained to her that a typical European meal consisted of an appetizer(n.頭盤), a main course(phr.主菜) and followed by a dessert(n.甜品). Lily finally made the decision and she ordered a potato salad as the appetizer.

 Lily: Can we have a potato salad to share?


 Waiter: How about the main course?


 Louise: Can I have a seafood pasta?


 Lily: Same for me please.


 Waiter: No problem.


 The seafood pasta was big enough to serve two people. Although Lily and Louise were very full, there's always room for dessert.

 Louise: Excuse me, what dessert do you have?


 Waiter: We have ice-cream and chocolate cakes today.


 Lily: Let's have both!


 There is always both an a la carte(按照餐牌點菜)and a set menu option(套餐)offered in a Western-style restaurant. The French language phrase "a la carte" means "according to the menu". You can choose your favourites from the a la carte menu. A formal meal can consist of three to four courses or even more. A menu with four courses is called a four-course menu.

 The usage of food terminologies(n.專門用語)varies from place to place. Americans use the word "entree" to refer to the main course of a dinner. However, entree refers to a dish served before the main course in France and England. The main course is the heaviest and most complex dish in a meal. Steaks(n.肉排), pasta(n.麵條), chicken and fish fillets are the most common choices of the main course. Tea and coffee are only served after the dessert instead of during the meal. Don't forget to ask for the bill after enjoying your meal! You can say "Check, please." or "Give me the bill please.".


1.What does a typical Western-style meal consist of?

2.What is the difference between an a la carte menu and a set menu?

3.Can you name some main course options?


1.It consists of an appetizer, a main course and a dessert followed by tea or coffee.

2.You can choose the dishes you want from an a la carte menu while the choices of a set menu are fixed.

3.Steaks, chicken and fish fillets.

 Please click on:

 http://wwpenglishcolumn.blogspot.com to watch the video about Lily and Louise's eating experience and learn some common restaurant phrases in English.

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