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2010年9月30日 星期四
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-09-30]     我要評論







 Retaining the building and its sitting tenants,Blue House Conservation serves

 The Development Bureau had announced earlier the selection results of the second batch of the revitalising historic buildings partnership scheme. Conservation projects in the second batch including the Blue House Cluster in Wan Chai, Old Tai Po Police Station and the Stone Houses in Kowloon City, will be handed to non-profit-making organisations (NPOs) and social enterprises. The approach used in these projects to revitalise historic buildings eliminates the drawbacks of overly commercialised operations seen in some past projects and puts more emphasis on maintaining the local way of life in the neighbourhood. For the first time, the principle of retaining both the building and its sitting tenants will be introduced to the Blue House Cluster, enabling a number of purposes such as maintaining local culture, enriching tourist resources, improving living conditions and increasing job opportunities, to be achieved in a single act. This will hopefully consolidate the concept of conservation which is community-based and shared by the general public.

 Local conservation projects in the past usually undertook the process of compulsory acquisition, renovation, evacuation of sitting tenants and finally commercialised development. One of the examples is the conservation of Wo Cheong Pawn Shop in Wan Chai, which was eventually turned into an upmarket restaurant. Not only has this deprived most people of their right to enjoy the conserved building but also wiped out the cultural heritage of the local community. However, now under the principle of retaining both the building and sitting tenants, the selected organisation responsible for the conservation of the Blue House Cluster has the duty to improve the living conditions of all tenants and to maintain low level rents so that tenants can continue their residence there. It is not going to be simply a renovation of an old building, but a reservation of the unique way of life in the neighbourhood. This approach closely links the revitalisation project to the history of Hong Kong society and gives greater intrinsic value to the revitalisation of historic buildings.

 It is true that for any conservation project to successfully achieve the purposes of revitalising and reusing historic buildings, economic benefits are essential; nevertheless, social benefits have to be taken into consideration as well. Conservation can serve as a means of taking care of the underprivileged. All three projects included in this batch of the partnership scheme will be run by non-profit-making organisations and will basically be multifunctional, providing services in the areas of cultural tourism, ecological conservation and environmental protection. They will be able to meet the needs of people in different sectors after the buildings are revitalised. Besides the Blue House, the revitalisation plans of the Old Tai Po Police Station and the Kowloon City Stone Houses will include eateries and tour guide services; so these plans will create jobs for the local residents and therefore can also be seen as a way of caring for the underprivileged. This innovative approach of conservation and revitalisation is worth supporting.  ■Translation by開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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