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2010年10月8日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-10-08]     我要評論

 ■上環永利街有很大機會被列為保育地帶,毋需清拆重建。 資料圖片




Arrangements made for the residents of Wing Lee Street show a model

 Thanks to the movie Echoes of the Rainbow, Wing Lee Street has become a talk of the town. The area will possibly be saved from demolition and redevelopment, and be categorised as a conservation site. Mr Cheung Chun-yuen, chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), disclosed earlier that the authorities will offer subsidies and make arrangements for the affected tenants and owners to improve their living conditions. The authorities had consulted the residents concerned beforehand and come up with a reasonable and encompassing assistance plan. The move is a response to the mounting call for conservation in society and takes care also of the interests of the sitting tenants and owners. The scheme can set an example for cases involving re-housing residents in other conservation or redevelopment projects.

 The movie Echoes of the Rainbow made Wing Lee Street famous overnight and the street is now a holy land of collective memory in Hong Kong. This rendered the URA not only to delist it from redevelopment, but also to propose it a conservation site to the Town Planning Board. Despite this, the buildings in the area are in fact old without restoration and the living environments are poor. The URA has decided to preserve the entire Wing Lee Street by keeping all its characteristics unchanged, and at the same time, to offer a batch of ex-gratia arrangements to the owners and tenants to help them improve their living conditions. The tenants can choose to either stay in their original residence or find new homes elsewhere. Those in need can rent the flats in transition and pay public housing level rentals. Each tenant is entitled to a cash subsidy to improve their conditions. Those who choose to move out will receive a removal allowance and when they later move on to a public housing unit, they will again get a further removal allowance and a reimbursement of rents for half a year. Owners may apply for a renovation subsidy up to a maximum of HK$200,000 according to their title to the building.

 Recently, the number of conservation or redevelopment projects in Hong Kong has been increasing and most of these projects involve displacement of residents. Unfortunately, the progress of some of these projects had been hindered by some of the residents and tenants who had irrational expectations for compensation and made exorbitant demands. In some cases, the situations even turned into focal points of social conflicts. The clearing of the Choi Yuen Village and Tsz Tin Tsuen serve as typical examples. This time, in dealing with the case of Wing Lee Street, the URA has been liaising with the affected residents and reached through consultation a basket of relatively reasonable and acceptable terms of re-housing. As these terms are more attractive to the residents, they help to relieve residents’ resistance to displacement and conservation. ■translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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