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2010年11月26日 星期五
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社評雙語道:通脹來勢兇猛 須出重招平抑

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-11-26]     我要評論

 ■在內地通脹壓力加大影響下,本港的雞蛋等日用生活品價格持續上漲。 資料圖片



Strong Policies must be in place to Curb Surging Inflation

 According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the consumer price index(CPI) for October was 4.4%, a figure which far exceeded expectations and was a record high for the past 25 months. In particular, the price of food had seen a rise of as much as 10.1%. Such range and rate of price increase had been rare in the past. One of the main reasons for the current round of surging inflation on the Mainland is the oversupply of money, which in turn leads to surplus liquidity. The current surge of inflation, especially the substantial rise of food prices, not only makes life much harder for the average people, but also accelerates the asset bubble, hampering economic and social development. Now, it is not just an economic issue, but also a serious social problem. The first and the most important task for the Mainland is to substantially reduce liquidity, and it is necessary for the Mainland to curb the surging inflation by adopting strong measures such as extensively raising the interest rate. At the same time, the Mainland should also crack down on speculative stockpiling of staple and non-staple food, as well as expand investment in agricultural production. These will help to bring down prices in a multi-dimensional manner.

 As a result of the surging inflation, negative interest rate is made more apparent on the Mainland. This causes more funds to flow into the asset market and increases the risk of an asset bubble. The high inflation rate relentlessly eats into the purchasing power of money, gradually lowers the standard of living and aggravates conflicts in society. Therefore, the Mainland should take curbing inflation as the foremost important task of all and make liquidity reduction the prime objective. On the other hand, the mounting pressure of inflation on the Mainland will undoubtedly put pressure on Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong imports most of its goods from mainland China, rising inflation on the Mainland will push up the prices of goods exported to Hong Kong. Coupled with the devaluation of the Hong Kong dollar which is pegged to the US dollar, Hong Kong will be faced with an increasing pressure caused by inflation. Recently, the prices of canned food, rice and eggs imported from the Mainland have already risen in aggregate by 10% to 20%. The grassroots will have to bear the brunt in this round of soaring prices; thus it is important that the local authorities plan proactively to protect the livelihood of the average people.

 ■translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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