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2012年9月14日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-09-14]     我要評論

■啟德兩幅土地將試行「港人港地」政策。 資料圖片




Size and Number restrictions should be adopted in the "Hong Kong land for Hong Kong residents" scheme

The government will, in between October and December, release six sites for tendering, four of which are stipulated to provide not less than a certain number of flats. The Secretary for Development Mr Chan Mo-po said that the government is now drafting the terms of land sale and there is a chance of implementing the "Hong Kong land for Hong Kong residents" policy if the relevant procedures can be completed in time. Earlier, the government had released sites for development of residential flats with size and number restrictions. Flat size restriction requires units to be built in small sizes; flat number restriction requires that a minimum number of units must be built. The "Hong Kong land for Hong Kong residents" policy is intended to help the "sandwiched" class to buy a home. Therefore, development projects under the "Hong Kong land for Hong Kong residents" policy should also adopt the two restrictions to avoid flats built being too large and too expensive. This is to ensure that the development projects will not miss the target of helping the "sandwiched" class to buy a home and will not create a great impact to the private property market.

  The government has already announced that the Home Ownership Scheme(HOS) will be re-launched, the currently remaining HOS flats will be offered for sale, and that the My Home Purchase Plan(MHPP) will be amended to allow applicants to purchase the flats instead of renting them. All these aim at supplying flats to solely users who are Hong Kong residents. Now that the government moves on to implementing the "Hong Kong land for Hong Kong residents" policy, it should make a clearer demarcation between this policy and other subsidized housing plans mentioned above so as to avoid overlaps in policies or confusions in the property market.

  Although the government has put flat size and number restrictions on the sites it released earlier, the selling price of the flats is difficult to control when they are on the market. These plans cannot guarantee that the flats built will be sold at a low price, nor can they ensure that it will be easier for the middle class to buy their first home. Therefore, in addition to imposing size and number restrictions in the "Hong Kong land for Hong Kong residents" scheme, the government should further increase the supply of land to really alleviate the problem of unbalanced supply and demand.

 ■Translation by Tung-ming(tungming23@gmail.com)


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