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2012年9月28日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-09-28]     我要評論


Guard against the impact of QE3 on local property market and livelihood




The U.S. Federal Reserve has launched the third round of quantitative easing (QE3) and this time they would purchase every month US$40 billion worth of mortgage-backed securities while keeping the current Operation Twist unchanged. Whether QE3 can boost the US economy remains to be seen; however, the global economy, especially an open economy like Hong Kong, has to be vigilant and guard against any impact QE3 may have on the local property market and people's livelihood.

The Federal Reserve had already bought US$2.3 trillion worth of US dollar assets in the first and second rounds of quantitative easing. Most of the money went to the U.S. stock market, including those of national debt, emerging markets and bulk commodity market, generating a flood of hot money around the world that created a risk of asset bubbles. The property market in Hong Kong also experienced persistent price hikes due to the first two rounds of QE. In the middle of this month, the Monetary Authority of Hong Kong put into force a number of measures to tighten the grip on mortgage transactions. These measures, which can be seen as "hedging" against QE3, aim mainly to prevent the risk of a property bubble that is likely to be created by the flood of hot money and may undermine the stability of the banking system. Strength of the new measures is not great and it is believed that the authority refrained from introducing "harsh measures" because it had to take into consideration the economy, the banking sector and the existing property owners.

The U.S. Federal Reserve has in effect become the central bank of the world and the multiplier effect of the money it injects may create a flow of liquidity three or more times of the fund injected. This means a great threat to the world in terms of global inflation. The liquidity expansion in the United States will accelerate the depreciation of the US dollar, which will inevitably speed up the depreciation of the Hong Kong dollar as the two currencies are pegged together. The resultant inflation will jeopardize the livelihood of people in Hong Kong. Therefore, the authorities should watch closely and introduce measures when necessary to help people fight against the pressure of inflation.

  ■Translation by Tung-ming (tungming23@gmail.com)


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