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2012年10月19日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-10-19]     我要評論


Differentiation between "medical" and "beauty" services is essential to tightening control on the beauty industry



Four women suffered from septic shock after they received intravenous drip treatment in the Causeway Bay shop of DR Beauty Centre. Three of them were in critical condition. The beauty industry in Hong Kong is highly competitive and this has triggered the mushrooming of beauty services which publicize themselves as providing professional medical treatments. Many of these in fact involve high risk medical technology. As there is no clear distinction between medical and beauty services in Hong Kong, some beauty companies take advantage of the grey area and offer high risk medical services without employing the necessary equipment and experts of medical institutions. So the risk of accidents increases. The authorities must investigate the incident thoroughly and draw a clear distinction between medical procedures and beauty services. Beauty services with a medical nature should be categorized as regulated professional medical treatments to prevent similar cases from happening again.

Today, there is keen competition in the beauty industry. In order to attract customers, some beauty shops claim that they integrate their beauty services with medical technology and publicize themselves as authorities in the field. Many of the people who yearn for good looks or improved physical abilities will readily fall for these advertisements. Wrongly believing that the related services are to be undertaken by formal medical institutions, these people are willing to pay large sums of money to buy the services. However, whether these organizations have attained the required professional standard remains doubtful. Some poorly equipped beauty salons which advertise themselves as "professional" in fact do not possess a formal medical team. Some who claim that they can restore various body parts and human face in fact have no proof on whether their treatments have passed certain stringent scientific examinations. Due to the lack of centralized control, the standard of service provided by individual employees can vary a lot in terms of quality. Once an accident occurs, it will then be difficult to track accountability.

 ■Translation by Tung-ming (tungming23@gmail.com)


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