相信大家都知道 "over" 一字何解。可是,又有沒有留意英文字中有很多詞語,也是用 "over" 作為preifix(前綴)或suffix(後綴)?例如 "This T-shirt is oversize.",意指「這件T-shirt 太大」。而這只是其中一個例子。以下多舉一些例子,讓大家更容易以 "over" 作為字基,學多些vocabulary items吧!
.Overwhelm 無法抵擋/壓倒
.Oversee 俯瞰/監察
.Overlook 俯瞰/遺漏
.Oversight 疏忽
.Over time 隨着時間
.Over and over 一次又一次
.Over and above 此外
.Overdue 過期/遲到
.Overstaff 人手過剩
.Overdose 過量服用
.Overcharge 索價過高
.Overrun 超時
.Overtake 超前
.Overjoy 欣喜若狂
.Stopover 中途站
.Voice-over 配音
.Changeover 交換
.Leftover 廚餘
.Handover 移交
.Hangover 酒後不適
1. The health issue of young children has been _________ by many schools.
2. As a marketing manager, her job is to _________ the company's advertising.
3. Many unnecessary mistakes are caused by _________.
4. It's dangerous to _________ so many vehicles on the road.
5. The houses were _________ by a flood after the storm.
6. Macy _________ on heroin and died.
7. Your bills are _________. You must pay them now.
8. Our company is _________. We should fire some employees.
9. The tourist complained that the hotel had _________ them.
10. Jayson had a terrible _________ after drinking too much in yesterday's party.
11. The beggars often eat the _________ of our food.
12. The employees are all looking for a peaceful _________ of our company to the new management.
1. overlooked
2. oversee
3. oversight
4. overtake
5. overrun
6. overdosed
7. overdue
8. overstaffed
9. overcharged
10. hangover
11. leftover
12. handover