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News buddy:月底歷史性訪廣島 奧巴馬不提原爆


■克里(左四)等G7外長上月到訪廣島。 資料圖片


原文:美國白宮(White House)及日本政府5月10日同時宣佈,美國總統奧巴馬(Barack Obama)將於本月27日訪問廣島(Hiroshima),屆時日揆安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)亦會同行,這是美國1945年向廣島及長崎(Nagasaki)投下原子彈(atomic bomb)以來,首次有在任(serving)美國總統到訪當地,象徵意義(symbolic)濃厚。

外界關注奧巴馬此行意義,白宮發言人(Press Secretary)歐內斯特(Josh Earnest)強調,奧巴馬不會就投下原子彈向日本道歉,他的訪問重點是推動無核武(denuclearization)世界。

奧巴馬月底將赴日本出席七國集團(G7)峰會(Group of Seven Summit),計劃屆時前往廣島,可能會在廣島和平紀念公園(Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park)獻花(lay a wreath)及演講,呼籲國際社會廢除(abolish)核武(nuclear weapon)。


美國副國家安全顧問(Deputy National Security Advisor )羅茲(Ben Rhodes)重申,奧巴馬不會重新審視(review)投下原子彈一事,而是集中探討未來,可能談及去年的伊朗(Iran)核協議,亦會向二戰(World War II)期間戰死的美軍致敬(pay tribute to)。

美國宣佈奧巴馬訪問廣島前,曾派多名官員「試水溫」,國務卿(Secretary of State)克里(John Kerry)上月更到廣島原爆紀念碑(cenotaph)獻花,創下美國國務卿先河。羅茲形容現時是奧巴馬訪問廣島的適當時機,相信這有助反映美日深厚的同盟(alliance)關係,彰顯兩國共同利益(mutual interest)及價值觀(shared value),促進人民間的友誼。他又稱美日兩國在國際事務緊密合作,美國為能保護盟友及保障區內和平穩定(stability)感到光榮。

安倍對奧巴馬訪問廣島表示由衷歡迎,期望這能成為兩國共同追悼(pay respect to)原爆死難者(victim)的機會。他強調(stress)日本是唯一曾受核武攻擊的國家,自己一直堅持廢除核武,相信奧巴馬能在廣島接觸到原爆的真實情況,有助推動無核武的世界,對下一代別具意義。


撇除克里,過去訪問廣島的美國最高級別(the highest-ranking)官員是2008年時任眾議院議長(Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives)佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi),總統級人物則只有卡特(Jimmy Carter)卸任後曾到訪,故奧巴馬的歷史性訪問備受關注。

《紐約時報》(The New York Times)前日發表文章,擔心奧巴馬此行會被視為就投擲原子彈一事道歉(apologize),共和黨(Republican Party)則批評訪問形同「謝罪外交(diplomacy)」,強調原子彈加快(speed up)了二戰結束,有助減少美軍傷亡。

美日傳媒此前曾多次報道,白宮考慮安排奧巴馬訪問廣島,但顧慮到今年12月是日本偷襲珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)75周年(anniversary),亦可能影響11月美國總統大選(presidential election)。

不過,奧巴馬認為此舉有助推廣無核化世界(nuclear weapons-free world)的理念,決定前往廣島,部分官員亦提到共和黨大熱參選人(candidate)特朗普(Donald Trump)的「日韓擁核論」,認為奧巴馬可藉訪問重申(reaffirm)對廢除核武的立場。

Obama, in historic visit to Hiroshima, will avoid talk of bombings

譯文:The White House and the Japanese government said on May 10 that U.S. president Barack Obama would visit Hiroshima on May 27 , who would be accompanied by the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The trip is deemed highly symbolic because Obama will become the first serving U.S. president to visit there since Hiroshima and Nagasaki were atomic-bombed by U.S. in 1945.

The White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest talked about the significance of Obama's visit, saying that he would not offer any apology for U.S. bombing of Hiroshima; instead, he would highlight his continued commitment to promoting world denuclearization.

U.S. hopes to discuss Iran deal

Obama is attending the Group of Seven Summit in Japan at the end of May, and he is planning for a trip to Hiroshima and may probably visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park to lay a wreath and deliver a speech, aiming to draw international attention to the abolition of nuclear weapons.

The U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes reiterated that Obama would not review the decision of dropping the atomic bombs; instead, he would offer a forward-looking vision and might mention last year's Iran nuclear deal and pay tribute to the American soldiers killed during World War II.

Before the announcement of the trip, U.S. had sent in many officials to pave the way for Obama's unprecedented visit to Hiroshima, and the secretary of state John Kerry had even made history last month by becoming the first of his rank in office to visit the cenotaph of the memorial site. Rhodes explained that it would be a right time for an Obama's visit, saying that the trip would symbolize what the two countries had achieved in "building a deep and abiding alliance based on mutual interests, shared values, and an enduring spirit of friendship between our peoples." He added that both countries would cooperate closely on major global issues, and U.S had been proud of the role it played in defending its allies and ensuring regional peace and stability.

Abe welcomes Obama's upcoming visit to Hiroshima and hopes that could be an opportunity for both countries to pay respects to the victims. He stressed that Japan was the only country in the world to have suffered from atomic bombings, and he had long been insisting on banning nuclear weapons. He believed that Obama could witness firsthand the consequences of nuclear bombing in Hiroshima, which might further help in urging others to realize a world without nuclear weapons as for the sake of the future generations.

Obama deems a step toward denuclearization

Apart from Kerry, the highest-ranking American official to visit Hiroshima is the former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, who paid a visit there in 2008. The former U.S. president Jimmy Carter had traveled to the city after his presidency, whereas Obama would be the first sitting president to make such a landmark visit.

The New York Times had published articles worrying that Obama would apologize for the Hiroshima bombing. The Republican Party had even blamed him for practicing "apology diplomacy", stressing that the bombings actually helped speed up the end of World War II and avoid thousands of deaths of the American soldiers.

The media of both countries said that the White House had expressed concern about Obama's visit to Hiroshima, mainly because this year marks the 75th anniversary of the attack on the Pearl Harbor and the U.S. presidential election in the coming November.

However, Obama considered the trip helping promote his vision of a nuclear weapons-free world. With regard to the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's suggestion that Japan and South Korea should acquire nuclear weapons for self-defense, Obama administration officials said that the trip could help reaffirm the president's commitment to eliminating nuclear weapons.



1. 「重申」除了可以reiterate、reaffirm表達外,還可用re_____?

2. 「致敬」可簡單表達為s_____?

3. 廣島位於日本哪裡?

4. 近年哪個國家的核武試驗(nuclear test)經常引起國際關注?

5. 目前有哪些國家擁有核武並簽署了《核不擴散條約》(Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)?


1. Restate、reassert

2. Salute

3. Western Honshu(本州西部)

4. North Korea(朝鮮)

5. The United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France & China

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