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英文應試攻略:標點有講究 位置勿亂放


標點符號(punctuation marks)看似簡單,但很多同學仍然沒有掌握好如何使用它們;因此,今天將會跟同學討論一下如何運用一些常見的punctuation marks。

Full-stop (.)

Full-stop 用在表示句子的完整性(completeness);倘若同學將full-stop 誤放在不完整的句子後,那句子將會成為一句fragment。例如:

E.g.1︰If you are free tomorrow night. Let's go to watch a movie. (×)

在這例子中,full-stop被放在「if you are free tomorrow night」後;由於句中欠缺main verb(主動詞),句子並不完整,亦因此full-stop被錯置。



Comma 主要用來顯示停頓位(pause);它並沒有其他任何文法上的功用;很多時候,同學錯在用comma來連接完整句子;以下是常見的錯誤:

E.g. 2︰Many people dream of having a lot of money, however, they often fail to see money can sometimes create more problems. (×)

把comma 放置在兩句完整的句子中是同學常犯的錯,因為comma根本不能用來連接句子。


與comma不同,semi-colon 可以用來連接完整句子;因此example 2 可被改寫為:

E.g.3: Many people dream of having a lot of money; however, they often fail to see money can sometimes create more problems. (??)

從以上example 3 中,semi-colon 就像連接詞conjunctions(such as and, or, but etc.)一樣;可用來連接句子。

Colon列舉重點 讀者易留意


雖然同學們未必會時常運用colon,但在一個情況中,同學有機會用得上colon--那就是當同學運用listing technique(列舉)時。當同學們有一連串重點想更容易被讀者留意到時,很多時候他們會用列舉的方式把重點顯示出來。以下是一簡單例子:

E.g. 4

To protect your computers from being hacked, you should:

.install the operation system updates

.use a firewall

.avoid saving your passwords on your computers.

E.g. 5

To protect your computers from being hacked, you should: (1) install the operation system updates, (2) use a firewall, and (3) avoid saving passwords on your computers.

從以上的例子,你可見到colon 會用在帶出列舉項目,無論例舉的形式是vertical list還是horizontal list。


Fill in the blanks by using the correct punctuation mark.

A lot of people believe that learning a second language s should start at pre-schools (____) however, more evidence now demonstrates that older children are found to be learning a second language better than younger children.


A lot of people believe that learning a second language should start at pre-schools (;) however, more evidence now demonstrates that older children are found to be learning a second language better than younger children. [semi-colon]

A lot of people believe that learning a second language should start at pre-schools (.) However, more evidence now demonstrates that older children are found to be learning a second language better than younger children. [Full-stop]

■Dr. A. Chan

