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【睆畹雄腹j中文歌詞長於務虛 英文歌詞善於寫實


偶然在網上看到1970年電影《愛情的代價》的同名主題曲 ,作詞者叫珊梅,因為有英文字幕,讀後覺得中西流行歌詞的美學觀念頗不相同,難以翻譯,也有趣。歌詞是:

我像是海邊的小花  I'm like a tiny flower on the seashore 

連根埋藏在泥沙   I strike my root in the sand 

經不起烈日的照耀  I can't stand the scorching sun 

受不了風吹和雨打  I fear rain and wind 

我低蚗Y兒在等待  I bow my head and in silence I wait 

希望黑夜快到達   I'm waiting for the coming of night 

是天意會遇到了你  But providence let me to you 

移植我到個溫暖的家 Providence found me a warm home 

姑娘呀姑娘     Oh little girl, little girl 

是你帶我衝出了自建的籬笆 You helped me break through my isolation 

姑娘呀姑娘     Oh little girl, little girl 

是你使我心頭的愛苗又長芽 You've made love bud in my heart 

只要讓我見到了彩霞 If I can just see the sunset glow 

我願意忍受愛情的代價 I don't mind to suffer for love! 


Hank Williams的《Your cheatin' heart》:

Your cheatin' heart

Will make you weep

You'll cry and cry

And try to sleep

But sleep won't come

The whole night through

Your cheatin' heart will tell on you...

更早的Too young或接下來的Whatever will be will be、I want to hold your hand、Save your kisses for me、Hopelessly devoted to you、You belong with me 都毫不諱言。感覺是中文歌詞長於務虛,英文歌詞善於寫實,所以中文以意境見長,英文以平白取勝,甚至其他藝術也如此。

例如Charles Dickens

在《Great Expectations》寫主角的姐姐:

My sister, Mrs. Joe, with black hair and eyes, had such a prevailing redness of skin that I sometimes used to wonder whether it was possible she washed herself with a nutmeg-grater instead of soap. She was tall and bony, and almost always wore a coarse apron, fastened over her figure behind with two loops, and having a square impregnable bib in front, that was stuck full of pins and needles.



日常生活,西人一句Happy birthday to you,中文曲筆為「恭祝你福壽與天齊......歲歲都有今朝。」《愛情的代價》那種英譯,西人讀來應該有點什麼。不是說英文歌詞不況不喻,貓王固然有Like a river flows surely to the sea、You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, Simon and Garfunkel更加有詩意,只是從規模而論的感覺而已,還望讀者指正。 ■琤芮瑊z學院翻譯文學碩士(商務與法律)課程總監李劍雄博士

