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­n¥Î­^¤å»¡¡u¤£©ú¥Õ¡v¡A³Ì²³æªº·íµM´N¬O»¡do not understand / cannot understand¡A¤£¹L¤]¥i»¡±o¬¡¼â¤@¨Ç¡A¥Î¤@¨Çµu»y¥N´À¡C


over your head¡G¶W¥X¸£³U¯à¤O

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He tried to explain, but it was too technical and most of it went over my head.


The book flew over his head. It's too difficult for children at his age.


These politicians should stop talking about things over people's head.


¥t¥~¡A¬Û¦üªº¬Ocannot get your head around¡]¸£³UÂण¹L¨Ó¡^¡A¥ç¬OÃø¥H©ú¥Õ¤@¨Ç¨Æ±¡¡C­ì¥»get your head around something·N«ä¬O¥i¥H©ú¥Õ©M¤F¸Ñ¤@¨ÇªF¦è¡A¦ý³oµu»y³q±`¥Î§_©w¦¡¡Aªí¥Ü¤@¨Ç¨Æ±¡¤Ó½ÆÂø¡BÃø¥H²z¸Ñ¡C

You should read the reports. They can help you get your head around what has happened.


We cannot get our head around the new medical insurance policy.


¬Û«H¬O¥Ñget your head aroundºt¤Æ¦Ó¨Ó¡A²{¦b«Ü¦h®É·|¥Îwrap your head around¡A¦P¼Ë¥Î§_©w¦¡cannot wrap your head around something¡Aªí¥Ü¤@¨Ç¨Æ±¡«Ü²V¶Ã·ÐÂø¡A¤£¯à¥Î¸£³U¥]°_¨Ó¡]©ñ¤£¶i¸£³U¡^¡A§Y¬O¤£¯à©ú¥Õ¡B¨Sªk²z¸Ñ¡B·Q¤£¥Xµª®×¡C³o¥ç¥iÅܤƦ¨cannot wrap your brain / mind around / round¡C

I can't wrap my head around what a healthy diet is because there is so much different information on the web.


He is honest and hardworking. His colleagues cannot wrap their brain around why he is fired.


He couldn't wrap his mind around the new instruction. It was very confusing.


²{¤µ¸ê°Tµo¹F¡AªÀ·|¤W³\¦hijÃD¡A¯A¤Î¬Fªv¡B¸gÀÙ¡B©v±Ð¡B°·±dµ¥¤£¦P½dÃ¥¡A³£«Ü½ÆÂø¡A«Ü²V¶Ã¡A¯uªº¥O¤HºN¤£þÓÀY¸£¡A¦]¦¹­n¦h¬Ý¦h¾Ç¡A¾Ç¦n»y¤å¤]¥i¥HÀ°§U§A°Ê¸£µ¬¡A§â¨Æ±¡²z¶¶ wrap your head around¡C ¡½Lina CHU (linachu88@gmail.com)


