The invisible sun
The part of the sun that we commonly see through safety filter is called the photosphere (ball of light). We have no way of knowing what it is actually like beneath the photosphere. But the layers that lie above do manifest their presence from time to time when the moon blocks the sun from our view completely. In fact it was during the 1868 total solar eclipse that Norman Lockyer (British scientist and founder of the science periodical, ‘Nature’) first discovered a thin layer of solar atmosphere just above the photosphere. This layer stands out pinkish and Lockyer named it the ‘chromosphere’ (ball of colour). Lockyer also shared a joint credit with Janssen (French scientist) for the discovery of a hitherto unknown element, helium, in the chromosphere. ■甄枝強 資深天文愛好者 ■圖片:ESA, NASA