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2009年12月10日 星期四
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時人時事:弟子惜別龍門 憶葉問蓮蓉包退敵論

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-12-10]     我要評論





Sentimental Gourmets Bade Farewell to Lung Moon Restaurant

  "Enter the Dragon Gate(Lung Moon)and be someone special. Enjoy the tasty dishes served with heart and soul." The Lung Moon Restaurant, located in the busy Wanchai district, had been open for business for 60 years. As the couplet suggests, besides delicious food, the most admirable element of the restaurant was its strong sense of neighbourliness. Alas, as the Chinese saying goes, no banquet lasts forever. The restaurant opened for the last time on 30 November 2009 before its closure. That night, the restaurant hosted a banquet to say goodbye to old and new friends. Buoyed up by all the singing and dancing, guests drank toast after toast to each other. Though still with laughs and smiles on their faces, the guests were unwilling to bid farewell to the restaurant. Regular patrons took pictures to remember the place. The four most senior disciples of Wing Chun master Ip Man also came to memorize the moments when their late master joked about fighting back enemies with lotus seed paste buns(lin yung bao).

  Manager Tang Kan-hung, who had once left the restaurant but later returned, had worked there for a total of 16 years. On the last night before the closure of the restaurant, he duly performed his duties. Although he did not want to part, the tough guy showed no sign of sadness and did not shed a tear as he gave a vivid account of the history of Lung Moon. He was forthright in saying that the pay was not good and it was the strong sense of neighbourliness that had kept him there. He said that the spirit of Lung Moon and his life in the restaurant would be in his memory forever.

  Ip Man, a kung fu master of the Wing Chun school, was also a regular diner in Lung Moon. On the last night of the restaurant, his first generation disciples had a gathering in the restaurant to memorize traces of life with the master. One of the disciples, Lau Kung-shing, recalled joyfully the times when the master would order lin yung bao once he got there. He remembered the kung fu master's saying that as the dim sums served by Lung Moon were fresh from the kitchen; people could defend themselves by not just using chopsticks, but also by throwing the hot and freshly steamed lin yung bao at enemies.  ■Translation by開明

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