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2010年1月28日 星期四
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

時人時事:抗焦慮女煙民上升 怕致肥戒煙難度增

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-01-28]     我要評論






Fewer Male Smokes but More Female Smokers

 Smoking prevalence among women is on the rise in Hong Kong although female smokers account for just about 12% of the total number of smokers. While the number of male smokers is decreasing, that of female smokers is increasing. According to a survey by the University of Hong Kong, 84.9% of the female smokers took to smoking due to anxiety and one third of them had severe nicotine dependence. Of the participants in the survey, 70.8% had attempted to quit smoking but failed. The fear of gaining weight after giving up cigarettes had added up to more difficulties in quitting.

 Dr Chan Siu-chee, head of the Department of Nursing Studies, University of Hong Kong, said that female smokers had different reasons for smoking from those of male smokers. Most females smoked because of anxiety or depression whereas men usually smoked for socializing or under peer influence. Most female smokers fell in the age groups of 12 to 29 and 30 to 39. An earlier study by the University of Hong Kong had also found that the success rate of quitting among male smokers was 28.4% and that of female smokers was 21.9%.

 In an attempt to understand the smoking habits of women, the University of Hong Kong conducted a survey which involved 332 female smokers receiving smoking cessation service for women. 32.2% had severe nicotine dependence. In addition, 70.8% had before attempted quitting; among them, 92.8% had had one to five previous attempts.

 Professor Lam Tai-hing, head of School of Public Health, said that smoking could cause women specific diseases and reduce the chance of pregnancy. As for reasons of quitting, 42.8% of the participants cited improvement of appearance and 85.2% cited improvement of health. However, 59.6% failed in their previous attempts due to either incorrect quitting methods or improper use of nicotine replacements. Some women were hindered by the fear of gaining weight after giving up smoking. Upon completion of the 6-month follow-up counseling in the University's Faculty of Medicine, 26.5% successfully quitted smoking and the rest consumed fewer cigarettes than before.  ■Translation by開明

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