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2010年2月25日 星期四
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時人時事:港最先進地震站 監測數千公里

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-02-25]     我要評論






New Seismograph Station Set to Detect Earthquakes from Thousands of Kilometers

 The Hong Kong Observatory has set up the most advanced seismograph station in Hong Kong at a site in the Mid-levels. The station houses a broadband seismograph which is able to record a broader frequency of seismic waves and to detect earthquakes occurring several thousands of kilometers away. Dr Wong Wing-tak, senior scientific officer of the Hong Kong Observatory, said that the new station enables the gathering of seismic data from locations in the South China Sea and facilitates the calculation of the precise arrival time and height of tsunamis reaching Hong Kong. According to the Observatory, if the epicenter of an earthquake is located somewhere near the Philippines, the tsunami caused by the quake may pose a danger to Hong Kong, so the earthquake monitoring system performs a significant function in safeguarding. However, the Observatory stresses that the risk of Hong Kong being hit by a tsunami is low.

 The new seismograph station in Po Shan Road was put into service on 18 February. Built at the end of a 300-meter drainage tunnel, the station has in it a seismograph and a strong motion accelerometer. Wong said that the site is a perfect location as it is far away from the interferences often seen in urban areas, and the air pressure, humidity and temperature inside the tunnel are relatively stable. The seismograph has been installed on a concrete plate above the rock layer so that it will only detect tremors of the rock layer without erroneously measuring the vibrations of the tunnel.

 Wong said the new station can calculate the time of occurrence, location of the epicenter, focal depth and magnitude of the earthquake. It can also project the parameters of crust movements, which enhances computer-modeled predictions of arrival time and height of subsequent tsunamis that may hit Hong Kong.

 Wong also said that the idea of building the new station was triggered by the tsunami that devastated South Asia. At that time, it was discovered that seismic monitoring in the South China Sea was insufficient. Real-time data recorded at the new station will be disseminated through the Incorporated Research Institutions of Seismology(IRIS)to help seismic and tsunami monitoring centers around the world to measure earthquake and tsunami conditions more accurately and timely. ■Translation by 開明

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