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2010年2月25日 星期四
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-02-25]     我要評論



Searching for Life on Mars

 In 2008 an old panorama of the Spirit landing site became one of the hottest talks over the Internet when a humanoid figure resembling the Little Mermaid was found in the image. The figure was actually a piece of rock that is less than 6cm tall. Stories about Mars were not uncommon. Back to the mid 1800's, Giovanni Schiaparelli claimed to see "canals" on Mars through his telescope. Later Percival Lowell claimed that they were irrigation structures built by an advanced civilization.

 Since 1965, dozens of probes had been sent to explore Mars. In 1971 Mariner 9 discovered dried river beds, suggesting a one-time less hostile environment. But later the two Viking landers failed to find the telltale signs of life. In 1996, a group of scientists announced they had discovered fossilized bacteria in a Martian meteorite but their findings were disputed. ■甄枝強 資深天文愛好者  圖片鳴謝:NASA/JPL/Cornell/James Canvin 

時人時事:港最先進地震站 監測數千公里 (2010-02-25) (圖)
遊花園:享受讀書樂 興趣自然來 (2010-02-25)
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英語世界:Courts & Tribunals (2010-02-25)
星空故事:尋找火星人 (2010-02-25) (圖)
梨園生輝 (2010-02-25) (圖)
通識路路通:農曆新年傳統 難抵時代變遷 (2010-02-24) (圖)
1. 過年傳統:從前共度春節 現在離鄉避歲 (2010-02-24) (圖)
2. 慶祝方式:燃放爆竹 知法犯法 (2010-02-24)
3. 貧富問題:捉襟見肘 減派利是 (2010-02-24)
4. 過年消費:商店不休市 推優惠吸客 (2010-02-24)
5. 環保問題:年宵市場垃圾 近5百公噸 (2010-02-24) (圖)
6. 全球化影響:普世歡騰 各國同慶 (2010-02-24)
7. 迷信角度:爭上頭炷香 許願樹祈福 (2010-02-24)
小知識:新年由來 (2010-02-24) (圖)
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教養學堂:敏感難受 盡早測試 (2010-02-24)
英語加油站:Ukrainian and Russian Gastronomy (2010-02-24) (圖)
科學天地:戰機科技造冰鞋 英冀冬奧速滑爭金 (2010-02-23) (圖)
風中的回音:迪園進駐上海 是契機或陷阱? (2010-02-23) (圖)
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