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2010年6月3日 星期四
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-06-03]     我要評論





CU No Air-conditioning Day Report Awarded Prize in Beijing

  "Low carbon lifestyle" is not just popular modern language in H.K, Taiwan and the mainland China; it is a new strategy formulated by the Chinese government in recent years. Three university students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(HKCU)wrote a report in which they described the H.K experience in energy conservation and analyzed the mentality of those who had participated in the "No air-conditioning day" movement. Their report won the only first class award in the H.K tertiary institutes section in a seminar organized by the University of Science and Technology Beijing(USTB). The seminar, entitled "Low carbon lifestyle for both you and me", the 2010 Energy Conservation and Pollution Reduction Seminar, saw participation of both USTB and tertiary institutes in H.K. Some H.K students said that they could realize that H.K students put more emphasis on applications of low carbon lifestyle in daily lives while Beijing students concentrated more on designing technological products.

 The seminar was attended by both teachers and students of USTB. Besides, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University had also submitted more than 30 reports on various topics. The report compiled by a team of students from the CU, namely, Cheung Oi-ping, second year student of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Yeung Chung-wing, MPhil student in environmental science and Pang Wing-yan, third year student in environmental science program, won the first class award in the H.K tertiary institutes section. The report titled From "No air-conditioning day" to "Wise use of air-conditioning" detailed the "no air-conditioning day" movement initiated in 2004 by Footprint, a green group comprising mainly of university students.

 According to the report, although the number of schools participating in the "no air-conditioning day" campaign rose to more than 300 in 2008, less than half of the schools took part in the first "No air-conditioning week" launched by Footprint in 2009 because some of the schools had considered the duration too lengthy. In the analysis put forward by the report of the low response rate, it was claimed that the "No air-conditioning day" movement had managed to simply raise an interest and awareness towards the no air-conditioning lifestyle, but failed to nurture a sustained habit among the schools and students.  ■Translation by 開明

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