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2010年6月3日 星期四
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英語世界:Advice and Suggestions

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-06-03]     我要評論

韓Sir 資深英語教師


1. I would advise you to book your tickets in advance.(我勸您提前購票。)

2. I would recommend you to stay at that hotel.(我推薦您住在那間酒店。)

3. If I were you, I would not choose that destination.(我要是您,不會選擇那個目的地。)

4. In my opinion, you should not travel alone.(依我來看,您不應獨個兒去旅遊。)

5. As far as I am concerned, you can go anywhere you like. (就我而言,您愛去哪兒就去哪兒吧。)

Suggest後動詞 須用Gerund形式


1. I would suggest banning smoking in all public areas.(我建議在所有公眾地方禁煙。)

2. I suggest that the government should raise taxes on tobacco.(我建議政府增收煙草稅。)

3. Wouldn't it be more sensible to educate the public on the hazards of smoking?(教育群眾吸煙之害,不是更合理嗎?)

4. Teachers clearly have the responsibility to raise students' awareness of the dangers of smoking.(提高學生對吸煙害處的意識,教師責無旁貸。)

5. It is time we dealt with the issue once and for all.(是時候我們徹底地處理這問題。)


1. I would suggest staying away from all political bickering.(我會建議遠離政治爭拗。)

2. I suggest that the government should honestly consult the public.(我建議政府應誠懇諮詢公眾。)

3. Wouldn't it be more sensible to come up with a solution that everybody can accept? (若能發展一套大家都能接受的方案,不是更合理嗎?)

4. The CE clearly has the responsibility to push the reform proposal through.(令改革建議獲通過,特首責無旁貸。)

5. It is time we settled the political reform debate once and for all.(是時候結束這場政改辯論了。)

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