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2010年7月8日 星期四
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時人時事:增記性新藥 最快5年應市

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-07-08]     我要評論





HKUST Develops New Medicine to Improve Memory

 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST)has recently announced the establishment of her first state key laboratory. The laboratory will form a partnership with the state key neuroscience laboratory in the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The two parties will work hand in hand in conducting proactive research on neuroscience. The research team has successfully extracted from Chinese herbs substances which can improve the memory and learning abilities of rats in experiments. However, it may still take 5 to 10 years for the medicine to be further developed, manufactured and made available in the market.

 HKUST set up a molecular neuroscience centre back in 1999 and a multi-disciplinary scientific research team was formed then by 22 teaching staff from the University's Department of Biochemistry, Department of Biology and Department of Chemistry. In December 2007, the university filed an application to the Innovation and Technology Commission for establishing a state key laboratory of molecular neuroscience. The application was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in December 2009. This laboratory will focus on studying the mechanism of brain functioning, as well as on understanding the development, functions and flexibility of nerve cells. It is believed that such research will help find the causes of neurological diseases and will benefit the development of medication treatment.

 With the establishment of the state key laboratory, HKUST hopes that she can become an international scientific research hub through her studies on molecular neurology. The research team has already been able to use molecular biological techniques to extract from traditional Chinese herbs monomers which were proven to be useful in safeguarding the vitality of nerve cells. So far, no side effects had been recorded on rats that had taken the treatment for one month without interruption. It has already been proven that the medicine can improve the learning and memorizing abilities of the rats.

 ■Translation by 開明

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