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2010年7月8日 星期四
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星空故事:黃帝傳說 軒轅星光

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-07-08]     我要評論




A Chinese Emperor in the Sky

 I am going to introduce Xuanyuan(Huangdi)to you in this column.

 There was a tribe of people led by Gongsun in the middle Yellow River region. One day Gongsun's wife saw a lightning while having a rest. She was pregnant afterwards and gave birth to a child. Gongsun named the child as Xuanyuan. At 15 Xuanyuan inherited his father's position as the leader of the tribe.

 At the time Yandi, head of all the tribes, was very old. A tribe leader, Chiyou, rose against Yandi. Xuanyuan led his tribe to fight with Chiyou and defeated him. He became the new head leader. This was not what Yandi had intended. He fought with Xuanyuan to retake his power but did not succeed. Later Xuanyuan united the tribes as one nation. He became the first of the five legendary Chinese Emperors and was honoured as the common ancestor of the Chinese Han people.  ■甄枝強 資深天文愛好者

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