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2010年11月5日 星期五
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社評雙語道:日本堵死談判路 中國堅決護主權

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-11-05]     我要評論

 ■日本應理性正視中國提出的「擱置爭議、共同開發」釣魚島建議,珍惜兩國領導人會面的機會,以談判協調解決釣魚島問題。 資料圖片




Japan blocks off road to negotiation as China is determined to safeguard sovereignty

When relations between China and Japan remained strained because of the Diaoyu Islands, China had, in mid-September, suggested the two countries jointly develop seabed resources surrounding the islands, a Japanese media revealed. Japan, however, bluntly rejected the proposal, claiming that the islands were inherent territory of Japan, according to the report of the Japanese media. The Diaoyu Islands are indubitably Chinese territory, but taking into consideration the dispute existing, China made the suggestion that the two sides "put the dispute aside and develop the islands jointly". This is indeed the best way for China and Japan to resolve the problem concerning the Diaoyu Islands. With this proposed arrangement, the interests in the East China Sea and the waters around the Diaoyu Islands can be jointly shared by both sides, and at the same time conflicts can be avoided. This enables the achievement of a mutually beneficial and win-win situation.

If really Japan rejects this rational and pragmatic suggestion, it means that Japan unilaterally blocks off the road to resolving the Diaoyu Islands issue by negotiation and destroys the basis of settling the disputes through consultation. If Japan wrongly interprets the concession made by China as a sign of weakness, and stubbornly maintains an unreasonable position on the Diaoyu Islands issue, the result will be a deterioration of China-Japan relations. China should use various means to demonstrate the Chinese stance on sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands, as well as principles and position on the issue.

The dispute on the Diaoyu Islands is a critical issue that affects the development of China-Japan relations. The Chinese government has all along adopted a global approach to the situation and adhered to the principles of peaceful consultation by way of leaving aside disputes and developing the islands jointly. Deng Xiaoping had already indicated clearly the idea of "putting the dispute of sovereignty (over Diaoyu Islands) aside and leaving it to the descendants". From historical and legal perspectives, China's sovereign right on the Diaoyu Islands is indisputable. As a matter of fact, it is only by adopting the policy of "putting dispute aside and developing resources jointly" in a spirit of mutual understanding and compromising can the two sides ideally resolve problems over resource exploitation and territorial disputes between the two countries. This is the way by which a favorable condition can be created for the future development of relations between China and Japan, and thus peace and stability of Asia and the entire world.

■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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