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2010年10月29日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-10-29]     我要評論

 ■港府提出立法規管「發水樓」,或能避免發展商過分炒高地皮賣價,有利樓市平穩發展。 資料圖片






Hong Kong government tightens regulation on "inflated buildings"

 To tackle the worsening problem of "inflated buildings" in recent years in Hong Kong, Chief Executive Donald Tsang proposed in his latest policy address to make a law in order to tighten regulation. According to Carrie Lam, Secretary for Development, a 10% overall cap on concessions will be imposed to the floor plans submitted by the developers starting April 2011. Features such as grandeur lobbies will no longer enjoy any concessions.

 This is indeed a major breakthrough of the SAR government in her housing policy. By strictly constricting the "inflation of floor areas", the government can really protect the interests of consumers and cool down the property market. The authorities should therefore enforce the use of saleable area as the basis of pricing as early as possible so that the transparency of property transactions can be further increased, and a fair and equitable property market can be maintained.

 Developers have long been taking advantage of the loopholes in the unregulated concessions and lavishly inflated floor areas by including luxurious clubs, lobbies and super large car parks into the gross areas and then sell these facilities together with the flats at high prices. These "inflated buildings" bring along not only a substantial shrinkage of the floor areas of the flats purchased by homebuyers but also high management fees to be paid. Even worse is that the rate of "inflation" of buildings has been gradually increasing from an initial 30% to as high as 100% of the actual floor areas in some recent extreme cases.

 Purchasing a home is an investment that affects the entire life of an average citizen. Our society has for a long time found the profiteering of the developers who exploit citizens by means of "inflated buildings" intolerable. Now, the government has determined to legislate against "inflated buildings" and place a cap on floor area concessions to block the loophole. This protects the interests of consumers and is a real good act on the side of the government. Constricting the "inflation" of floor area will cut off a major source of profiteering of developers. In future, the developers will be more prudent in bidding for land. Unreasonably high land prices as a result of speculation can be avoided, which is favourable to the stable development of the property market.

 Furthermore, the government should promptly standardize the use of saleable area as a basis of fixing the unit price of flats. This will prevent homebuyers from being misled by the confusing data of the property market and also guarantee that homebuyers will get the value of their money for every cent they spend.  ■translation by開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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