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2011年6月24日 星期五
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社評雙語道:持續收緊按揭 降低樓市風險

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-06-24]     我要評論

■金管局本月再推措施,減低住宅按揭成數,以求降低銀行風險。 資料圖片




Keep tightening mortgage to reduce risk in property market

 As the property market remains overheated and the economic bubble is brewing, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has rolled out more measures such as lowering the mortgage ratio of residential properties so as to reduce the risk borne by the banking sector. With an increasing risk in the property market, the prime objective of tightening mortgage of residential properties is to strengthen the risk management of the banks lest the financial sector and homebuyers will have to bear the brunt when there is a sharp change in the course of the market. The measure is to ensure the stability of the property market and the economy as a whole. Banks must strictly abide by the new directives of mortgage ratio cap and perform more stringent stress test on the credit of mortgage applicants to ensure that these applicants have the financial strength to manage risks.

 Today, property prices in Hong Kong have surpassed the highest record of 1997 but the volume of transactions has been shrinking continuously in the past four months. The phenomenon of “unsupported price rise” has been displayed as the increase in prices is accompanied by falling transactions. Property prices stand high and the rate of price rise has made it even more difficult for the income of the ordinary people to catch up. More importantly, it is impossible that the exceptionally low and abnormal interest rate at the present time can be sustained in the long term. The market predicts that USA will put an end to its quantitative easing policy as early as in the middle of this year and an upward adjustment of interest rate will take place shortly. By then, under the combined forces of rate hike and liquidity withdrawal, it is highly possible that there will be once again a dramatic slump in property prices and a significantly higher expenditure on mortgage repayment. At that time, a large number of homebuyers will turn into owners of negative assets and many of them may be forced into payment default, resulting in a great deal of bad or doubtful debts in the accounts of banks.

 The economy of Hong Kong hinges very much upon external factors. At present, Europe and mainland China have entered a cycle of rate hikes while the possibility of USA reverting to raising interest rate will be another major concern. These factors have a strong effect on the development trend of the local property market. The HKMA has now introduced tighter measures on mortgages and requested banks to timely adjust their credit structure and provision in order to guard against the risk of a sharp turn in the property market. Likewise, the banking sector should actively ask mortgage applicants to undertake stress tests to prevent over-borrowing. This protects both the banks and the mortgage applicants. ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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