■香港市民正為封利是張羅新利是封和新鈔票。 資料圖片
「利是」常音譯 lai see
「農曆新年將至」:「農曆新年」是the Lunar New Year;「將至」可說 approaching。
「市民正為封利是張羅」:「市民」固然可說citizen(s),但這兒其實指香港人,所以說Hongkonger(s)或更貼切;「利是」慣常音譯作lai see,即使複數也不用加-s;「封」利是,動詞大概用prepare便可;「張羅」即籌備、安排,這兒的意思跟「封」其實差不多。
Red packet可解利是(封)
「新利是封、新鈔少不了」:「利是封」是red packet(s),有時此語也指利是;「鈔」可叫banknote(s),或簡稱作note(s)已可;「少不了」即不可或缺,形容詞是indispensable。
「3間發鈔銀行推出新設計20元新鈔」:「發鈔銀行」叫note-issuing bank(s),當中的issue / issuing解作發行;「推出」這兒可用start to supply;「新設計」可說newly-designed。
「吸引大批市民提前於銀行未正式營業前到場輪候兌換」:「吸引」是attract;「大批」,由於不知人數,籠統說lots of已可;「提前」其實即後面的「前」,說before已可;「營業」說open已可;「輪候」可說queue up;「兌換」可說change old for new。
因此,整段報道可英譯如下:With the Lunar New Year approaching, Hongkongers are preparing for their lai see, and new red packets and new banknotes are both indispensable. Three note-issuing banks started to supply newly-designed $20 new notes, which attracted lots of citizens to queue up to change the old notes for new even before the banks opened. Some people said that, since Hong Kong's economy is uncertain, the amount for each lai see may‘shrink'. ■MT Ness