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2013年10月4日 星期五
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英文應試攻略:謹記「金三角」 卷一「冇有怕」

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-10-04]     我要評論

 筆者曾問同學,哪份試卷他們最感困難?令人意想不到的是,班中三成的同學選擇了Paper 1。同學的恐懼源於他們害怕沒有充足的時間完成所有題目;部分同學亦不知他們應否選擇Part B2。而筆者對學生的選擇感到驚奇的原因是:這份卷較其他試卷容易;即使同學們英文水平一般,若有適當的練習,成績可在短時間提升。

基礎技巧體裁 缺一不可


 基礎閱讀技巧指一般閱讀技巧,如在文中找main ideas、速讀等。在考試前,同學應多加操練。

 答題技巧是指面對不同的題型,同學應選用不同的策略;例如面對textual reference questions時,同學要知道應如何處理。

 文章體裁亦是同學應考慮的方面。不同的體裁,重點會放在不同的位置。以news article為例,並不是每一段文都有重點。

找main idea 助理解文章

 今日我們談談基礎閱讀技巧—找出main ideas。基本上,每一段的文字均由Topic sentence和support/elaboration組成。Topic sentence是整段文字的中心意思。相反,support是用來闡述topic sentence,主要包括factual details;在閱讀時,同學如能盡快找出main idea,有助理解整遍文章。例如:

 I have decided to terminate my friendship with May. First, she maintains a double standard. She thought it is acceptable when she was late for 1 hour while she once severely criticized me for being late for 15 minutes. Second, she is bossy. She always directs me to do things for her including shopping. Finally, she has a bad temper. The last time I went out with her, she shouted at me when a minor issue displeased her. After that incident, I have promised myself not to see her any more.

 文中topic sentence是:「I have decided to terminate my friendship with May.」其他的sentences,包括3個specific details,都用來闡述這topic,令讀者明白「我」為何不和May做朋友。

 通常Topic sentence放在段落的第一句;它亦有可能被放在段的尾部或中間。所以同學在做reading comprehension時,不妨先看段首,段位尾和中間的部分,先找重點。這不但可省時間,亦幫助同學盡快抓到文章的意思。

 最後要提醒大家由於Paper 1主要測試同學能否在有限的時間內找出答案,不是測試他們語文功力有多深。即使同學英文水平不是太高,仍可獲佳績。 ■Dr. A. Chan



 Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.

 Confidence is an important quality, but it should always be accompanied by common sense. No matter how confident students feel before the HKDSE, they would be foolish not to study before the exams. The same thing is true for athletic activities. It is one thing to be confident about running on a treadmill; it will be silly not to see that running in extreme climates (such as in Sahara ) is more difficult. People in high-risk occupations need to have confidence and common sense. Confidence enables them to act decisively, but common sense helps to keep them from taking a step that could put them or somebody else in unnecessary danger.

Q1: What is the topic sentence for this paragraph?

A1: Confidence is an important quality, but it should always be accompanied by common sense.

Q2: How many examples are used to support the topic sentences?

A2: Three major examples are used: (1) studying, (2) exercising and (3) working


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