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²{Á|¤@¨Çcommon examples¡AÅý¤j®a»{²M§ó¦hµü»yªº¤@¦r¦h¸q¡A¤£¦A¤@ÀYÃú¤ô(¨£¹Ï)¡C


1. Sabrina is suspected of being involved in a drug ___________ .

2. Their political party has been in ___________ for 3 years.

3. The airplane ___________ along the runway.

4. We need ___________ edcation policies in Hong Kong.

5. There is a lot of rubbish in the ___________ bag.

6. The legislators have been ___________ for higher allowance for the aged.

7. Johnny had a ___________ on Susanna when they were at school.

8. The streets looked ___________ with coloured lights in Christmas.


1. racket

2. office

3. taxis

4. sound

5. refuse

6. lobbying

7. crush

8. gay





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What's Up¡G¥h¦~¥ô­«Á}¥¨ ¤µ¦~GDP¥Ø¼Ð7.5% (2014-03-12) (¹Ï)
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