「儘管美國、歐盟和日本先後就克里米亞入俄公投對俄羅斯實施制裁」:「先後」是successively;「就」可說in response to;「克里米亞」是Crimea;「入俄」可簡單說join Russia;「公投」是referendum;「實施」是impose;「制裁」是sanction。
「規模是冷戰以來最大」:「規模」是scale;「冷戰」是the Cold War。
「但俄總統普京企硬」:「普京」是Vladimir Putin;「企硬」可說remain adamant,當中的adamant解作「堅決的」。
「18日強調公投具說服力和符合國際法」:「強調」可說emphasise;「具說服力」是persuasive;「符合國際法」可說comply with international laws。
「承認克里米亞獨立及簽署入俄條約」:「承認」是recognise;「獨立」是independence;「入俄條約」可說a treaty making it a part of Russia。
「待俄憲法法院及國會通過後便正式生效」:「待」可說pending;「憲法法院」是Constitutional Court;「國會」是Parliament;「通過」可說approval;「正式生效」可說officially come into effect。
因此全段可英譯如下:The US, EU and Japan have successively imposed sanctions on Russia in response to Crimea's referendum to join it, which were of the largest scale since the Cold War. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin remained adamant. Emphasising that the referendum was persuasive and complied with international laws, he recognised the independence of Crimea on March 18th and signed a treaty making it a part of Russia, pending the approval of country's Constitutional Court and Parliament to officially come into effect. ■MT Ness
1. 克里米亞本屬於烏克蘭。烏克蘭的英文是甚麼?
2. 克里米亞公投以絕大多數通過議案,英文可說They voted over_____ly for the proposal。
3. 獨立國家,英文可叫sov_____ state。
1. Ukraine;
2. overwhelmingly;
3. sovereign。