■有意見指標準工時能夠維護勞工權益,但也有人指「一刀切」立法會增加中小企成本。 資料圖片
Keep conversations for standard working hours
Six labour representatives have threatened to quit the Standard Working Hours Committee unless it can come up with specific proposals on the standard working hours legislation.
The Committee comprises members drawn from the labour and business sectors, the academia, the community and the government. Established for two years, it has collected numerous data and conducted various assessments on the issue, and the second consultation is set to conduct by the end of this year.
The labour representatives took this move to denounce the fact that the Committee has yet to put forth specific legislative proposals, and that the first consultation was overly general, who are still more frustrated by the Committee's intention to regulate working hours through job contracts instead.
Working hours in Hong Kong are longer than other developed economies in the world. Some argue a standard would bolster the protection of labour rights and well being, while some fear standard working hours would increase the costs of employers, especially when an across-the-board legislative approach causes uniform working hours for different market sectors. This could be a severe blow to small and medium local enterprises as operational flexibility may be hampered.
The legislation on standard working hours should learn from the experience of the successfully implemented minimum wage, where both the labour and employer sides showed mutual respect and understanding, cast aside differences and resolved disputes through conversations.■Jeffrey Tse
Learning Point
1. 超時工作
2. 學術界
3. 諮詢
4. 立法
5. 權益
6. 「一刀切」
7. 中小企
8. 最低工資
9. 罷工
10. 勞資糾紛
1. Overtime work
2. Academia
3. Consultation
4. Legislation
5. Rights
6. Across-the-board
7. Small and medium enterprises
8. Minimum Wage
9. Strike
10. Labour dispute