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North Korean detonation takes prudence to tackle

North Korea announced a successful performance of its first hydrogen bomb test on January 6, signalling the country's fourth nuclear test since 2006. Hydrogen bomb is a form of nuclear weapon just as the atomic bomb. The United Nations Security Council considers nuclear tests a serious threat to international peace and security, and has been firmly opposing and seeking to ban such tests. Multiple resolutions were passed condemning and sanctioning North Korea against its previous dangerous moves.

China has been dedicated to ensuring the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula and maintaining stability in North Eastern Asia. The North Korean regime has reiterated that the country is seeking economic growth and improving living standards. Peace and stability are vital conditions to such objectives. If the region destabilise due to the republic's nuclear threat, all relevant parties would be in a no-win situation.

As a joint effort to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue, the six-party talks held in 2005 are indeed a beacon to the denuclearisation of the peninsula. The Joint Statement made during the talks is still relevant and is the best available solution to the dispute at hand. To keep regional and global peace and stability, related parties should abandon Cold War mentality and resume the talks as soon as possible. Denuclearisation of the peninsula and other disputes should also be resolved through dialogue.

¡½Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]

Learning Point


Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty



Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty ¡m¥þ­±¸T¤î®Ö¸ÕÅç±ø¬ù¡n


Six-party talks ¤»¤è·|½Í


International Atomic Energy Agency °ê»Ú­ì¤l¯à¾÷ºc



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