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2016年3月16日 星期三
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社評雙語道:急症內科迫爆 「公私」攜手紓困


■目前正值流感高峰期,有醫院內科病房佔用率高達130%。 資料圖片





Public-private partnership will ease lack of wards

Patients suffer long waiting times as overcrowding continues in local public hospital emergency rooms and medical wards. With growing concerns in population ageing, the public healthcare system is likely to be stretched even further in the future, and the government should allocate resources accordingly in order to deal with the challenge.

Facing the recent peak flu season, Accident & Emergency (A&E) Departments and medical wards of public hospitals are packed to the brim. In the past month, A&E Departments were constantly swarming with patients. Queen Elizabeth Hospital's wards' have even recorded a bed occupancy rate of 130 per cent, with the average waiting time exceeding 15 hours. Patients, nurses and doctors alike suffer dearly amid the overcrowding crisis.

Since the number of elderly people is projected to rise in the future, the current healthcare facilities and manpower will be insufficient to meet the soaring needs in public health. The government should allocate extra resources to enhance the public healthcare system, and increase the number of public hospitals and beds available to improve the efficiency of the local healthcare system, covering and benefiting more citizens.

To relieve the current burdens of public hospitals, public-private partnership can be a way out. Redistributing manpower and resources, the Hospital Authority should look to provide economic incentives for the private healthcare sector, which aim at establishing public-private partnerships that encourage private hospitals and doctors to boost services. Not only can the burden on public hospitals be eased, patients who could not stand the long waiting time will receive treatment sooner elsewhere.

■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]

Learning Point

Pay attention to the bold words:

- overcrowded medical wards

- stretched public healthcare system

- wards packed to the brim

- A&E departments swarming with patients

- soaring needs in public health


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